Black Bullet (Mike)

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So this one is for @AmuletHeart143 & I wanna just put it out there that I know nothing about anime and I know about this only because of this YouTube channel called SourceFedNerd so cred to them (P.S. If you don't know who they are please check out them as well as SourceFed cause they are amazing)

Hope you enjoy


It was a quiet night, only a blanket snow covering the cold, winter ground. I was sitting on the couch, my head dramatically thrown back in a fit of boredom.

It was practically the middle of winter, a few days away from Christmas, and my boyfriend was off at band practice. He claimed that they had some real important 'banding' to do, whatever the hell that meant. It was times like these where I kind of hated this whole band thing.

I stood up from my position and stumbled up to my room. I had some cleaning to do anyway, might as well get some done now.

I plugged my phone into a speaker that I kept in the corner of our room and pressed shuffle, unable to think of a song I really wanted to play right now.

A smile crossed my face as Michaels voice blared over my stereo. End Up Here, which happened to be my favorite song on the album, blared loud and clear. Sometimes I hated his band by god damn did they make good music.

"Nice song," a familiar voice said, just as I had begun to dance wildly around the room, "Do I know the band?"

"Oh. Hey Mike," I blushed, looking at the multicolored hair boy in front of me, "How was band practice?"

"Good," he nodded fondly, "but I'd rather be here dancing with you."

I laughed quietly to myself before kissing Michaels lips softly before adding softly, "I have a better idea."

"Oh really," he said with a wink, a smirk growing on his pale face. God he's a pervert.

"Not that you asshole," I laughed, punching him softly in the arm," I got this new anime today and it looks fucking awesome! Wanna watch?"

"Depends," he asked, sliding his hand into mine, "which one?"

"Some new one called Black Bullet," I said thoughtfully, "I've heard good things about it and thought it was worth a try. You in?"

"When have I ever denied watch anime with the most beautiful girl in the world," he smiled cheekily, pulling me slightly closer.

"You know this is with me and not Meghan Fox right," I asked, laughing slight at the end.

"Yea," he nodded once more," Yea I do."

I blushed and gently pulled him downstairs where he sat on the couch, a smile evolving on his features. I quickly flicked through turned on the TV and got everything started, smiling slightly as the show began.

"Come here," Michael whined dramatically, pulling me forcefully onto his lap, kissing my cheek softly.

I squealed as I fell onto his lap before settling against him as the animated characters paraded across the scene, engaging in an epic battle sequence.

"I have no idea what's happening," Michael said a few minutes into the program.

"Yea the plot is very fast paced isn't it," I agreed, sitting up and staring at the screen with fascination. It was fast but interesting nonetheless.

"Like whose that boy and what's with the monster things," Michael questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"No fucking clue," I smiled, kissing him once more.

"I like it when you swear Rae," he murmured quietly, kissing me again, "It's hot."

"You horny ass just watch the TV," I laughed, punching his harm slightly.

And that's what we did. We watched the first few episodes of Black Bullet and the farther we got the more sense it made. Eventually however, Michael and I fell asleep, embracing each other cutely.

Sometimes I hated his band, but I never could hate him.

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