Your What? (Luke)

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This is for @sexylegshemmo

Hope you love it :)


The morning light shone in, bouncing off the mirror that hung in the corner, sending a beam of light into Lily's eyes, waking her up from her deep slumber. She looked over at the body next to her, covered only by a thin sheet. His blonde hair splaying across the pillows, blue eyes hidden from the world by his eye lids. She could hear his slow breathing and it sent chills down her spine, reminding her of the events that took place last night. Every memory of that moment, from the first 'I Love You' to their sweaty bodies intertwined, panting after a job well done.

"Luke," she whispered, poking him slightly, "Luke wake up!"

She could hear a raspy moan and his beautiful blue eyes glowed again, staring at her sleepily. He looked confused for a moment before he looked at her and remembered, as she had, the night they shared, "Morning babe."

"How did you sleep," she cooed, tracing random patters along his chest with the tip of her pointer finger, causing him to shiver at her touch.

"Good," he nodded, looking down at her delicate finger, sighing softly, "How about you?"

"Great," she smiled, kissing his lips softly before pulling away, looking at him once more. God he was beautiful.

Luke looked at her and kissed her lips softly once more before asking suddenly, "How do you feel about some Pancakes?"

Luke made her some pancakes that morning, and the next few mornings as well. They were in their honeymoon stage after that, even after years in their relationship. Sex just does that to people.

A little over a week later, Lilly was sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting anxiously for Luke. He was at band practice and she had texted him a few minutes earlier, telling him she had something major he needed to tell him. In her hand she held a bag. What was in that bag could determine her whole life.

The clock ticked, her mind wandered, and suddenly she was in the midst of a full blown panic attack. Tears were streaming down her face, her breathing coming out in short puffs, and the walls seem to be closing around her. Where was Luke? Where the hell was he?

"Babe," the familiar voice said finally, racing into the door and throwing his keys on the counter and racing over to the Lily, who was still hysterically crying, "What's wrong?"

"I'm," she stuttered, crying out again, not able to continue.

"Breathe," he whispered, handing her a paper bag from the pantry, "Just focus on me okay? You'll be fine. Whatever it is I'll be by your side. Forever and always."

She continued to breathe into the bag, allowing her breaths to slow and her vision to clear. After she had calmed down, she looked at Luke and wiped away tears, "You sure?"

"Positive," he nodded, grabbing her hand softly, rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb, "Now what's wrong?"

"I'm late," she breathed slowly, looking up at the blonde boy.

"Your what," he mumbled, looking at her again, "Does this mean..."

"I was due last week actually. A few days is okay but a whole week, Luke that usually means something's up," she explained cautiously.

"Have you peed on the stick yet," he asked, sitting down on the seat across from her.

"Not yet," she sighed, motioning to the bag, "but I wanted you to be home when I did. I couldn't do this alone."

"Let's go then," he nodded, pulling her towards the bathroom and handing her the bag, "You can do this."

"Be back," she said, smiling weakly and heading into the bathroom. She quickly did her business and waited silently, the only sound being Luke's pacing outside the door. Finally the time came and she looked down and gasped, she slowly walked out the door and up at Luke.

"Well," he asked expectantly, practically jumping like an excited puppy.

"We're pregnant," I said slowly, gauging his reaction before continuing, "I'm gonna be a mum."

"And I'm gonna be a dad," he whispered with a smile, grabbing me in his arms, "We're gonna be parents."

"Yes Luke," I laughed, "Yes we will."

"Are you okay with that," he asked slowly, setting her down.

"Are you," she countered cautiously.

"I'm in if you are," he smiled, grabbing her hands and looking at her.

"Forever and always," she asked, wrapping her hands around his neck.

"Forever and always," he murmured, dealing their promise with a kiss.

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