The Real Me (Ashton)

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This is for @aaronftirwin

Hope ya like it


"Good morning Olivia," my boss called out as I entered the store. I nodded in response, giving a brief little wave and walked behind the counter.
"You can pick the music today," my boss called out, chasing me to smile wide.

I worked at a well-known record store, one of the best if I'm honest. We usually had some songs playing over the stores PA that the boss picked out, and not to say it wasn't quality music, but it wasn't my type. So the fact that I got to pick the music made this whole day 100x better.

I plugged my phone into the stores PA and turned on my all time favorite band 5 Seconds of Summer. They're new self-titled album just came out so I guess they could use a little promotion.

The first that came on was Good Girls and I would be lying if I said I wasn't rocking out. Suddenly I heard the door open and quickly regained my professional posture just as Ashton's solo came on.

"Nice music," one boys said. I wasn't really looking at them, just trying to seem natural and all that, but the minute I heard an accent my eyes were trained on the four boys.

"Yea these lads are on point," Ashton jokes. Yes by Ashton I meant ASHTON FUCKING IRWIN! ASHTON IRWIN AND THE REST OF THE 5SOS BOYS WERE IN MY STORE!

"I'm glad you like it Ashton," I choked out, my face breaking into a large smile.

"Oh so your a fan," Luke said happily, looking at me with his bright blue eyes. God they were so hot.

"Have been for over a year now," I smiled, trying to keep my emotions under control, "can I help you guys with anything?"

"Just looking for some good CD's to have for the dressing room. We need quality pumping music ya know," Calum said, as he began to poke around the stack of CD's.

"Well I think we have some great 80s classics back there," I said pointing to a shelf in the back of the store.

Calum, Michael, and Luke walked to the back of the store where I had directed them to early. Ashton stayed behind, walking nervously over to me.

"Hey," he said suddenly, causing my heart to leap nervously in my chest.

"Hey," I replied, trying to act normal, "How did you guys get in here without getting mobbed?"

"We have people," he said, as if it was the most logical thing in the world, "and we took a car up to the entrance, sprinted in here, and our people are outside the doors right now."

I nodded slowly, looking over to the glass door and noticing the two large men in front of it, "I'm surprised no one followed you here."

"We are too," he said with a laugh and before he could say another world, Calum interrupted our little moment.

"Irwin stop flirting and come help us pick a song," he shouted, causing Ashton and I to blush at the same time.

"Gotta go," he laughed, walking over to Calum and hitting him over the head. The other boys were laughing hysterically and Ashton looked incredibly flustered.

"Do you guys need help finding anything," I asked, my confidence growing. Luke waved me over and I walked to the back of the room, breathing heavily. As I walked over I heard Ashton and Calum arguing in a hushed whisper.

"I'm not gonna ask her," Ashton hissed, glaring at Calum.

"Come on you totally have a thing for her. Why not ask her? What if she answers in the most amazing way possible and she's actually your soul mate," Calum persisted, glaring at Ashton once more.

"Hey lads," Michael added, tapping them on the shoulder, "She's right here and we can all hear everything your saying."

That shut them up right away.

"So what did you need to ask me," I said cautiously, not sure I wanted to know.

"Okay well as a band we have a little thing we do to 'test' how cool people really are," Calum explained, gauging my reaction.

"And you want to see how cool I am," I laughed. Well this wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

"See your smart," Luke laughed before looking at Ashton, encouraging him to start speaking.

"What's your favorite band," Ashton asked suddenly, glancing at me.

"Well I have too many to pick just one," I began, noticing Calum's smirk and Ashton's wide-eyed expression, "but if I had to pick I like Greenday, All Time Low, Blink 182, and this really cool band called 5 Seconds of Summer."

"Wow," Ashton said before the boys quickly scurried away, after suggestively winking at Ashton.

"So I'm assuming I pass," I laughed, ignoring the boys winks and obnoxious laughter.

"With flying colors," Ashton nodded, still looking awestruck.

"So what does this mean? I'm the coolest kid you know," I laughed, still semi confused.

"That question tests more than 'how cool someone is'," Ashton admitted quietly.

"Then what does it test," I asked although I think I already knew.

"Since me and the boys are so close we sort of like to 'check' the girls we like but we knew we all had different types so we couldn't judge them on everything ," Ashton began slowly, "so we decided that the one criteria they have to have is good music taste."

"So you like me," I spoke slowly, unsure of where this was going.

"I guess you could say that," he smirked, winking flirtatiously.


"Oh," I said stupidly, "Well Ashton I would say I like you too but all I know is what you've told the world. I really know nothing."

"By every passing second I like you more and more," he chuckled, "because any other girl would've jumped at the chance to say they love me, even though they know nothing and you know that. You know there's more to me then this band."

"Well there is more," I said quietly, "Right?"

"How would you like to go on a date with the REAL ashton? No Ashton Irwin from 5 seconds of summer....just me."

"I would love that," I whispered with a smile.

We ended up talking for the rest of mg shift and afterwards we went to dinner in a little cafe that was secluded enough that no one would find us. The food was sort of shit but it was okay because I got to know him for him.

Sometimes admitting you don't know anything is the best way to go.

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