Forgotten Aniversary (Calum)

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This is for @hxters

Hope you like it!


"Calum," a voice squealed, causing the tan boy to turn and face the girl that was currently speeding to him.

"Hey babe," Calum said, hugging the girl to his side and kissing her softly, "What's up?"

"Do you know what today is," she coaxed, wrapping her arms around her neck. This was the question every boy in the world dreaded, Calum included.

"Do you know what day it is," he countered, hoping she would answer so n wouldn't look like a total ass. She glared at him, her eyes scrutinizing the situation. Calum tried to keep his cool, maintaining his signature, somewhat cocky, smile.

"You forgot didn't you," she sneered, pushing the boy away. Calum sighed, trying to think of an answer that won't get him shot in the balls.

"Yes. Yes I did," he admitted with a sigh, "but don't shoot me. I promise I'll have something amazing planned for tonight."

"I don't want something amazing Cal. I would've been perfectly fine staying in tonight but you forgot about our anniversary. That's a big deal Cal."

"Just be ready at 5 and get excited for an amazing night," Calum said, already excited about the plans that were current racing through his brain.

"5," Sarah asked cautiously, "that early?"

"Yea," he smirked, pressing his lips to hers, "it'll be the best night of your life. Promise."

She nodded slowly, still not expecting much, before heading home to prep for this supposedly epic night. She walked into her room and flopped onto the bed, sighing loudly. It was at this time that she suddenly realized she had no idea what the hell she needs to wear for Calum's "night of all nights" as he had described it her over text earlier that day. She picked up her phone and typed in quick message:

What should I wear for this supposedly epic date x

It was only a few minutes before Calum texted back for he was patiently waiting by the phone, counting the minutes till he got to see her again.

Don't wear a dress babe :) This is a comfortable night. Can't wait to see you xx

Sarah felt her heart flip as she read that text. Even though she's been dating that boy for exactly a year, she still got butterflies every time he called her babe or basically said anything else. He was an idiot but she somehow she still liked him.

This night better be fucking epic Hood ;)

She put her phone down, smiling to herself and proceeded to get ready for the night.

Calum on the other hand was freaking out. He was already dressed, had been for a few hours now and was currently pacing the room, all while freaking the fuck out. He had gone for black skinny jeans, black band shirt, and converse so the usual. He knew it was nothing fancy, especially considering this was a big night, but he also knew she loved Simple Plan, the band on his shirt. His necklace, a simple gold chain and a cross, was what she gave him for his birthday. So yea it was nothing special, but each item meant a lot.

Sarah had chosen shorts and a flannel, Calum's flannel actually. He had left it at her house weeks ago and she had practically refused to give it back. Her vans sat on her feet and after a decent amount of makeup and straightening, she was ready.

Calum arrived at Sarah's house a few minutes before 5. She raced out, vans clicking on the driveway before she jumped in the car. Calum was going to go up and grab her, like the gentlemen he was, but she was too excited to wait.

"Ready," he asked as he started the car, pulling onto a main road, "this is going to be the best night of your life."

"Nice necklace," she said, a small smile finding it's way into her face, all memories of the forgotten anniversary put behind her.

"Nice flannel," he countered, smiling at how absolutely stunning she looked in his clothes.

"Touché," she laughed as they pulled down another random road, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," he said with a cocky smile, flashing her a wink from the drivers seat.

"Are we gonna be there soon," Sarah complained, she was never a patient one.

"Soon babe. Soon."

"Okay you need to stop with the soon cause soon with you never means soon," she said, laughing at the little inside joke they shared.

He sighed loudly before pulling into a parking lot, "We're here now."

Sarah smiled as she hopped out of the car, following Calum down a nearby pathway. He grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. They eventually reached a lake, one of the small ones in the town. Small meaning less crowded. Less crowded meaning they were the only ones there.

"This is nice Cal," she said, following him to a spot on the grass where he sat down and she sat on his lap.

"I have something to tell you Sarah," he said quietly, resting his head in the crook of her neck.

"You can tell me anything," she whispered, leaning into him.

He moved her so they were facing each other and began to speak slowly, "I know we've only been dating a year but it's been the best god damn year of my life and Sarah," he trailed off, looking into the shorter girls eyes.

"Yea Cal," she murmured, her heart hammering in her chest.

"I think," he paused a bit before continuing, "I mean I know. I mean...."

"Just tell me babe," she whispered, placing a fragile hand on his cheek.

"I love you," he choked out slowly, gauging her reaction.

"I love you too," she said without thinking, for she already knew.

"And I have this," he said, pulling out a ring from his pocket, "a promise ring. Only if you want it of course."

"Of course I do Cal," she whispered, pulling the ring onto her finger before adding, "if you didn't know this was our anniversary until late...when did you get this?"

"I got it a few weeks ago," he said, "I planned on giving it to you when it felt right. Since I stupidly forgot this I was gonna do it on your birthday."

She kissed him softly, "I'm glad I reminded you."

"I'm glad you did too," he replied, placing his lips on hers.

It was like that, their lips glossing over each others, love pouring out of every pour, that the sun set behind them, making the once forgotten anniversary one they would never forget.

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