Perfect For Me (Mike)

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Something a little happier to make your day better.


Michael walked up the steps, butterflies zooming in his chest as he heart picked up speed. He couldn't believe he was actually here. That he was actually going to do this. It seemed like only yesterday that he kissed her for the first time. He could still feel her lips on his skin, the way they molded with his own, a picture perfect scene that seemed to good to be true.

He also remembered the first time he told her that he loved her. He remember the look of joy on her face, not the slightest glimpse of hesitation on her delicate features. She simply smiled and kissed him, sealing their love, that both knew would never die. Even all these months later, he still loved her. He always would. Forever and always.

He had finally reached the last step and sighed dramatically, not entirely sure if he was physically prepared to knock on that door. The concept of him being emotionally ready was not one he pondered, for he knew he was. He had been since the moment he met her.

Nonetheless he brought his hand up and knocked on the door, breathing quickly. He could hear the faint sound of footsteps from within the house and quickly shoved his hands into the interior of his pockets, trying to hide his anxiousness.

"Hello Michael," a stern voice said, cracking the front door open so Michael could only see a shadow of a figure.

"Hello sir," he responded, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, "I was wondering if we could talk."

"Talk about what," the older man snapped, opening the door a bit wider, "my daughter isn't home if that's what you're insinuating."

"I know sir," he stumbled awkwardly, "I wanted to talk to you. If that's okay with you I mean."

"Come in," the figure in the door said, after a brief pause to think about what Michael had said, "I don't have very long."

Michael simply nodded and walked in behind him, before sitting on a chair across from the older man. The silence was quite deafening and seemingly long lasting before Michael spoke again.

"Your daughter and I have been very exclusive for around 2 years now," Michael began with slight hesitation, "and I love her very much. I have ever since I met her." The mans face relaxed, which surprised Michael a bit for he was never relaxed.

"And she has been very happy. That I know and I'm glad you have had that much of an effect on my daughter," the father said, resuming his fatherly posture.

"Yes and she has made me extremely happy sir," Michael stuttered again, "And I know how much you mean to her. She talks about you a lot."

"Oh she does?"

"Yup," Michael responded before quickly correcting himself, "I mean yes sir."

"Now what is this about son?"

"I want to marry your daughter," Michael blurted out, immediately wishing he had planned out his speech more.

The father observed Michael and the chill was evident in the room. Michael was sat there in flipped skinny jeans and his favorite flannel, with the world IDIOT stitched across the back. He had come straight for band practice and there was no way he could play hardcore in some suit thing.

"I don't think that's a good idea," the man said, standing up slowly, "now if you don't mind-"

"LooK I hope you know this was just because I knew it would make your daughter happy. I'm proposing regardless of your blessing because I don't let anyone tell me who to love and I LOVE your daughter."

"excuse me," the man, who was now standing, grimaced, annoyed at the younger boys attitude. "Look at you boy. You came to ask your girlfriends father to marry his only daughter in some jeans and a t shirt. What kind of men do you think I want my daughter to be with?"

"A man who loves her," Michael hissed, "a man who would do anything for her. A man who would never let her go and never let anything bad happen to her. A man like me."

Silence took over the room once more. Both men planning there next move. It wasn't long before her father spoke.

"She can marry you if she wants, she's a grown women, but I will never give you my blessing. She deserves better."

"You don't know anything about her or what she deserves," Michael screamed, "did you know her favorite band is All Time Low? Did you know that everytime she leave the house in that bullshit you make her wear, she puts on band shirts and ripped skinny jeans? Did you know she loves music more than her friends? Did you know any of that? Because that sir is your daughter. Hell she's not perfect but she's perfect for me."

Silence once more.

"You can marry her," was all he said before leaving the room, forcing Michael to let himself out. He left with a smile so big anyone could see. He whipped out his phone as he jumped in his car and typed a quick message to the girl of his dreams.

Meet me in the park in an hour. Big things are happening babe. Love you x

And off he went. To buy the perfect ring, for the perfect girl.

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