Thank God For Disney (Luke)

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Sorry I haven't update in a while guys! It's summer and I was being quite lazy for the first week but then I felt bad cause I never posted a Luke imagine so here ya go? It might not be good but it's something right? A lot more to come soon I promise! YAY SUMMER!

And can we talk about the DONT STOP EP real quick? What's your favorite song(s)? Mine are If You Don't Know and Rejects...ITS SO GOOD!

Oh and if your in America I downloaded it all from tumblr so if you need help with that just DM me on @bangdatash or message me on here!

PS: I am aware a lot of England/Australia have like a lot of short breaks but in America we have like 2.5 months for summer so that's what I'm going off of here.



"What's up Lucas," I asked casually,
walking up to him at his locker.

"Doing drugs, printing a fake ID, and planning to get majorly drunk. So the usual," he joked, laughing quietly to himself, "oh and I told you never to call me Lucas."

"Whatever Lucas," I smiled, leaning against a locker next to his.

"You look good today," he pointed out, kissing me lightly on the cheek.

"Luke," I hissed quietly, "What do you think your doing? I have a boyfriend you know!"

"Oh yea," he scoffed angrily, "Niall. God that guys a douche."

"He's one of your best friends," I reminded him, laughing at his jealousy.

"He's my douchiest friend," he replied shortly, flashing me a wink,

"Plus that was a friendly kiss. Niall knows we're close. No big deal babe."

"Ok do you want him to punch you," I yelled, hitting his shoulder lightly, "Come on we gotta get to class."

I walked away from him and into a nearby classroom, him following close behind. I sat down in a seat, close to the back of course, and he sat beside me, as we have done for the past 9 months. Today was the last day of school and everyone was more than ready for summer vacation. Well except this one kid who can't eat, breathe, or sleep without thinking about homework. He didn't have many friends.

"Hey Luke," a familiar blonde boy chirped walking in and slapping Luke playfully on the back before heading over to me, "Hey babe."

I blushed as he kissed my cheek, "Hey Niall! What's up?"

"Doing drugs, printing a fake ID, and planning to get majorly drunk. So the usual," he laughed, and I looked over at Luke, who looked really pissed off.

"That's my line," Luke mouthed towards me, flipping Niall off under his desk.

"Calm down Lucas," I whispered, leaning back in my chair and waiting for the last day of classes to begin.

"Good morning class," our teacher spoke, walking in the front of the room.

She ended up giving us a speech about how to live our lives as we enter uni and how we need to put our best foot forward. It was basically a load of shit that no one cared about or payed attention to.

"Luke what you doing," I heard someone whisper in front of me.

"Nothing Ash," he replied, continuing to scribble on the piece of paper that sat in front of him.

'"I'll just take that," Calum murmured, ripping the paper from him, "oh it's a song? Luke you write songs?"

"So do you Cal," he shot back, "Now give me the paper."

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