The Drummer Boy (Ashton)

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This one is for @KayLee1D5SoS
Hope you like it :)


"Calum where the hell are you taking us," I groaned from the passengers seat, "You know I hate surprises!"

"Band practice," he said simply, speeding down yet another unfamiliar road.

"Why are you taking me to see your shit band. You've only ever played to 12 people," I yelled, flinging myself back against the seat dramatically.

"I have news for the boys and I want you to be there when I tell them. Plus you haven't met our drummer yet," he explained, flashing me a wink.

"What's that supposed to mean," I smirked, god that boy knew me to well. He knew I had a massive thing for drummers. My last three boyfriends all played some type of instrument, but I could never seem to find a drummer that wasn't a doc he.

"He's not a douche," he said simply, finally parking the car. I swear that boy was psychic sometimes.

"I'll be the judge of that," I declared, stepping out of the car and waiting for Calum. Considering we were at some house I did not recognize, I don't think they would appreciate me just barging in.

"Come on," he groaned, grabbing my forearm and dragging me to the garage of the random house before punching in the code casing the garage door to open.

"Is this like your second house," I laughed. People don't usually give out their garage codes in Western Sydney, it's just not something that happens.

"Something like that," he smiled, leading me into the garage and through a door that led to the basement.

"Hey mate," a familiar boy called, Michael I think his name was, as he tuned his guitar.

"Hey," Calum shouted back, seeming distracted, "Where's Ash?"

"Bathroom," another boy, Luke this time, responded before turning to me, "Hey Kay."

"Hey," I said quietly, sitting down on the couch.

"When Ash comes out I have major news," Calum exclaimed, a smile crossing his face.

"What is it," both boys shouted happily back.

"We need to wait for Ash," he groaned before shouting, "Ashton hurry the hell up! I got news!"

"I'm coming god," an unfamiliar voice called, followed by the thumping of feet down the stairs.

The only thing I could think when Ashton walked down the stairs was 'I hope he isn't a douche' because damn that boy was hot.

"Finally," Luke groaned, finishing tuning his guitar and setting it down on top of his case, "Calum tell us the news."

"Wait," Ashton interrupted, looking at me, "Hi I'm Ashton."

"KayLee," I breathed. Did I mention how hot this boy was? He had on low hanging sweatpants, that left almost nothing to the imagination and nothing else. His torso was bare and I had to restrain myself from staring.

"Sorry I didn't know you were bringing someone Calum," he apologized, "I would have put on a shirt."

"It's fine," he said before looking at me and winking, "she probably doesn't mine. Do you KayLee?"

"No it's fine," I nodded, trying to seem casual, and pulling my eyes away from his torso. I could see Luke and Michael laughing out of the corner of my eye and I glared at them, way to embarrass me like god damn.

"What's your news Cal," Michael said quickly, pulling the attention away from me.

"Okay so you know that boyband," Calum began, confusing us all by his words, "One Direction?"

"Who doesn't," Luke scoffed, "even if you hate their music you know who they are. It's sorcery I tell you,"

"Anyway," Calum laughed, "he DM'd me the other day and said he saw our covers and he thought we were super good."

"Really," Ashton screamed, getting really excited now.

"Yea and he asked us if we wanted to go on tour with them," Calum screamed, practically jumping at this point.

"Holy shit," Luke screamed jumping up from his chair, "You can't be serious?"

"Oh but I am," Calum replied, jumping on him happily.

"Calum does this mean I won't get to see you anymore," I pouted jokingly, walking over to him.

"You could always come with us," Ashton suggested, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Keep it in your pants Irwin," Calum laughed, patting his friend jokingly on his back, "She's my best friend."

"I thought we were your best friends," Michael yelled, pretending to sulk.

"Your my brothers," he said sincerely, pulling the boys into a group hug.

"You boys are so cheesy," I laughed, watching them happily. God sometimes I wish I had that kind of friendship, the kind where it's more family then friends. I was jealous, not gonna lie, but I had Calum. We were practically siblings, so I guess I could deal with just one.

"I say we go get food and then come back to practice," Calum yelled, parading out of the house.

Luke and Michael followed, laughing and making tour plans, so it was only Ashton and me.

"We should go out sometime," he said suddenly, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Like on a date," I asked in disbelief. Finally a non douchey drummer that liked me.

"Yea," he nodded, "Yea like a date."

And we did go on a date, the next day actually. He took to a record store downtown and then we went to the movies. We listened to music, talked, laughed, and he even played me a little something. It was loads of fun to be honest.

Later that year, after me and Ash have been dating for a while, it was time for them to leave. But after tons of conversations, debates, and phone calls, it was decided I could come with. They figured that I was cool enough that I wouldn't ruin their vibe, whatever that means. It's all thanks to Louis Tomlinson.

Thank god for that boy and thank god Calum knew me so well.

Did I mention how much I loved drummers?

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