Netflix Cures All (Mike)

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This is for @Kali5S0S

Hope you enjoy


"Your an ass Michael Clifford," I swore, trying my best to seem menacing.

"Babe," he sighed, obviously done with my obnoxious mood swings, "Just calm down."

"I can't calm down," I hissed, placing a hand over my belly instinctively, something I have become accustomed to doing over the past few months.

"I still don't know what I did," he sighed once more, pacing the room in a fit of confusion.

"God damn I just want this baby to pop out already," I shouted, looking down at my stomach in anger rather than the fondness that I usually posses.

"Same Kali," he nodded quickly, "Same."

He walked over to me cautiously, as if he was afraid I would attack him, and hugged me tightly. I sighed, immediately comforted by his towering frame holding mine.

"I never did thank you for that song you wrote," I said, looking into his piercing eyes for a few moments, "It's my favorite on the album."

"I'm glad," he nodded, "did you appreciate the Bon Jovi reference?"

I nodded softly before adding, "Oh and by the way. I'm the 6 and your definitely the 10."

He looked at me thoughtfully before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs, "You should really stop lying. It's not something I like in girls."

"I'm not lying," I protested, "Have you seen me lately? I'm disgusting!"

"No your beautiful," he whispered, turning around swiftly and pecking my cheek.

I smiled, to tired to argue with him today, "Where are we going," I asked as he pulled me down the stairs.

"I ordered pizza and it should be here any minute. Plus I had a Netflix craving," he smiled, flashing me a wink.

"You are the best fiancé ever Mike," I laughed, waddling behind him and plopping on the couch.

"I know," he laughed as the doorbell rang loudly. Michael answered the door happily and grabbed the pizza before walking back over to me.

"You got two whole pizzas," I laughed disbelief, "There's only two of us?"

"Your pregnant and I like food," he said, turning towards me, "the question should be if we're gonna need more."

"Point taken," I nodded happily as Michael pulled up American Horror Story on Netflix. It was a quality show and currently out obsession.

As the opening theme tune began to play I looked over at Michael, "Wait weren't you and the boys going out tonight? This is gonna be the last time in a long while."

"I see those boys every day of the year," he sighed, "and I don't see my pregnant fiancé nearly that much. If I spend any more time with them I might ditch and get married to them in Vegas."

"You're never leaving this house again," I remarked suddenly, trying to remain serious but failing miserably.

"Love you," he laughed, looking at me jokingly.

"Love you too ya asshole," I commented, laughing as well, "Now give me some pizza."

That's how we spent the rest of the night. Eating pizza, watching Netflix, and whispering 'I love you' in between with the occasional make out session when we could. I had to stop Michael a few times because I had a feeling he wanted to make another little baby. Now was not the time.

"I love you," I whispered one more time, pecking his lips softly, before falling asleep, dreaming of of the beautiful boy beside me.

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