Close As Strangers (Luke)

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This one is for @ziallscutiepie

Hope you like it


"You guys ready," Luke said, fixing his tie quickly in the mirror. His hands immediately rushed to his already perfectly styled quiff as he fixed it for seemingly the millionth time that night

"Luke we've been ready for like 10 minutes," Calum laughed, patting his best friend on his back, "let's go bro."

"Limo's outside," Ashton called from downstairs, causing the other boys to sprint towards him. They all walked out into the limo and smiled at one another as the driver pulled onto the road.

"I can't believe this," Michael said, sighing quietly, "this is our senior prom." The boys all looked at eachother and nodded, not another word needed to be spoken.

Luckily for them, this wasn't the last time they would see eachother. They weren't going to college like most kids. Instead they were pursuing this whole band thing and hoping to god that it would work out. Most of their parents were kinda pissed but after they had all gotten normal jobs and lined up a few gigs, they were giving the permission they needed.

"How you holding up Luke," Ashton said, looking at the blonde boy, who had been dreadfully distant the whole ride.

"It just sucks you know," he said, burying his head in his hands, "we've been dating for 4 years tonight and then she's just gonna leave. Fucking hell she can't just leave." As Luke mumbled the last few words he wiped away a few stray tears, causing the other boys' hearts to break into a million pieces.

"Look mate," Michael said, trying to muster a genuine smile, "Just focus on the dance and everything that's going to happen now. You can focus on the bad when it happens."

"You'll still see her this weekend yea," Calum asked, trying to being light to the positive in this situation.

"Look we'll even cancel band practice on Sunday," Ashton offered, patting Luke on the back.

"No don't do that," Luke mumbled, turning to Ashton, "I think she's coming to that. She said she wanted us to play her a little something before she left."

"Then we'll do that," Ashton nodded, looking at Luke encouraging.

Luke sighed before turning his head out towards the window, glaring out into the calming evening sky.

Tonight was prom. The biggest night in every high schoolers life. Everyone in his school has been pumped so school started. All except for Luke that is.

His prom date happened to be the smartest girl in school. She nearly always got 100% and when she didn't it was like world war 3. They had been dating since 9th grade and god Luke loved her. He loved her with all of his heart, he knew that from the moment he met her. Now he knew that sounded cheesy but hey, it was true.

Since she was so smart she was graduating early. Well she already graduated but she was allowed to attend prom just the same. He was proud of her, never been more proud in his life, but he didn't realize what early graduation would mean at the time.

After the ceremony, they all went back to her house to celebrate. Her whole family was there but Luke wasn't entirely sure she even said hi to half of them. Instead, she took his hand and dragged him inside, mumbling something about how they 'needed to talk.'

He tensed up as he heard those words but followed her into her room nonetheless. It was there she told him that she had been excepted into Oxford, all the way in England. Luke was upset at first but he eventually took a deep breath and pulled her close, telling her how proud he was.

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