Twitter Relationship?

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Don't even know what this is, but here ya go. I'm pretty sure this sounds like a book description so if anyone wants to use this just ask me or something...haha I don't even know.

Love you <3

This is for @irwinsxvegimite


He was a boy.

The stars were his friends, music his family, and his tears simply a way of passing time.

She was a girl.

Not a dime to her name, only an image of the happiness she used to feel to get her through the day.

They were both looking for something, someone to get them through the hell they have come to associate with life.

Luckily they found eachother, in the only way two musically inclined loners can: on the internet.

It started with a tweet.

A comment.

A favorite.

Little things that created happiness in two young lives. Little things that created passion, romance, and all together freedom. Freedom to escape the horrible hole they found themselves in.

Ashton and Beth found themselves in each other, and sometimes that all you can ask for.

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