Tour? (Ashton)

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This one is for @irwinsxvegimite
hope you love it 💕


"Beth come on," the boy groaned, plopping down into a nearby chair, "Just come with us."

"Ashton," I sighed, bringing up the same point I had a hundred times before, "I can't just drop everything and go with you to America. I have friends, family, hell my whole life is here."

"But I won't be here Beth," he hissed, jumping up from his chair, "Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Ash of course it does but I also have classes to get to. I can't just ditch those," I countered, thinking he couldn't deny me that. Thinking being the key word there.

"Luke studies on the road and you guys are in the same year aren't you? Study with him!"

To be honest I thought of that earlier, the idea just wasn't appealing. Luke was up a grade and a whole year younger than me. Now I wasn't stupid but studying with Luke wouldn't exactly help my self esteem.

"Ash why do you even want me to go so bad," I yelled, trying to change the subject. I couldn't let him know how I felt about Luke. He would probably think it was silly and would force me to anyway. I mean that's how everyone seemed to feel. They all thought my fears were silly, but they were legitimate worries.

For instance, I was terrified Ashton would find another girl on tour and break it off with me. They all told me that it was stupid because he loved me, well love doesn't always stop people from cheating. I know from personal experience guys can be real dicks sometimes.

I told this guy, Ryan, that I loved him and he said he loved me. We were happy for months, it was practically perfect. One day I was to our apartment that we shared, so excited about telling him I passed my mid term. We had spent hours studying, kissing, and nearly doing more, before I stopped him of course, the night before. I was certain I was going to fail, but he assured me I would do fine. He believed that I was going to pass. He always believed in me.

After I got home and raced upstairs, thrilled to share the news, I found him in our bed, with another girl. He had fucked some girl he met in the bar, in OUR bed. That douche.

Needless to say I wasn't to keen on jumping into relationships. I had told Ash I wanted to take things slow, and he had agreed. That's why I loved him because he didn't just want me for sex. He wanted me for me.

"Because I love you," he answered finally, his voice lowering slightly, "and I can't stand not being without you for a day let alone a few months."

"Ash I love you too but," I stuttered, trying desperately to think of some reason I couldn't go. The thing is, going on tour with him would mean this was a real thing and I don't know if I was ready for that. I loved Ash, I really did, but I've been through to much to jump into something so quickly. I just didn't know what I wanted yet.

"Babe," he whispered, holding my hand softly, "if you can give me one solid reason as to why you can't come then I'll stop bothering you. Just give me one reason."

"I," I stuttered, "I don't think I can."

"Then come with me," he yelled, still confused as to why I wouldn't say yes.

"Ash," I sighed, "if I do this then this, us, is real isn't it?"

"Well I don't see how that would bring us farther apart," he spoke slowly, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that," I mumbled quietly, tears beginning to fall.

"Beth," he began, pulling me closer, "I know that you have had shit luck in the past so I have been perfectly fine with taking it slow but babe we have been dating for a few months now. I'm not asking you to have sex or anything, I just want to be official. I want to know that you are mine and I am yours. Can I at least have that?"

I paused for a second, thinking about what he was saying. Was it really that unreasonable? After all he had done? Was it really that foolish of him to ask that?

"Okay," I nodded finally.

"Okay," he asked happily, "so does this mean?"

"Yes I'll go on tour with you," I smiled, leaping into his arms once more.

"You won't regret it," he whispered into my hair, "I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too Ash."

And for once in my life, that was actually 100% true.

I was hopelessly in love with Ashton Fletcher Irwin.

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