Hormonal on the Beach (Ash)

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This one is for @fucingirwin
Btw yours includes one of my favorite lines (idk if I made it up or stole it from somewhere but I think it's cute....the second to last line!)

Hope you love it 💕


It was midnight.

The moon was glistening, stars were glowing, and I, like most of the normal people at this hour, was watching TV, minutes away from falling into a sleep coma.

I had indulged myself in buckets of candy and ice cream because I was hormonal and pissed off, which usually go hand in hand.

First of all, my boyfriend, Ashton, had practically ignored me all day. We have been dating for a few years now and he hasn't even called to say hello? Can anyone say giant asshole?

The worst of it is that he knew it was 'my time of the month' and he still didn't come over. It should be like some kind of law that all boyfriends have to be with thier girlfirends when they are this hormonal. I mean its really only common curtousey.

It was because of my bitchy boyfriends that I was sitting on my couch about to fall into a sleep and icecream induced coma. My life is obviously full of excitement.

Suddenly my phone rang, which was odd because it was freaking midnight, but I picked it up anyway. Ashton's name flashed across the screen and I sighed loudly, the nerve of that boy. Why did I like him again.

Get dressed and meet me outside. Love you x

Oh yea, that's why.

I smiled to myself and ran upstairs to pull on something presentable. But I mean it was midnight and my uterus was trying to brutually murder me so I settled on a onsie, the bunny one, as if there were any other kind. I sort of loved bunnies. I mean they were just so damn soft and fluffy, how could you not?

With my bunny onsie on and my hair in a ponytail I sped downstairs after of course taking some advil. Cramps hurt man.

Coming down now! See you soon babe xx

I shoved my phone in my bra, as you do when wearing a onsie, and walked outside, "Ashton? Ashton where are you?"

"Hey Val," a familar voice cooed, causing me to turn around. There he was. Ashton Irwin, currently at the top of my hormonal hit list. He was wearing a pair of khakis, the god of all boy shorts, and his signature black bandanna.

"I don't see you all day and you can't even put on a shirt," I said, a small smile playing on my lips, "Who do you think you are?"

"The shittiest boyfriend ever," he sighed, walking over to me and placing his unusually big hands around my waist, "But I wanna make it up to you."

"How," I questioned curiously, "If it involves running I will shoot you. My stomach cannot take it right now."

"I know," he smirked, "So I was deciding on how to make it up to you in your fragile state and I came up with two options. The first one being Netflix and chocolate but then I figured that's probably what you've been doing all day."

"You know me way to well," I laughed, leaning against the wall of my building, "So what was the option?"

"Come here," he laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me down a walkway, pratically forcing me to run.

"I thought we said no running Ash," I screamed as I raced behind him.

"You'll like the destination," he screamed, dragging me farther down the walkway until we reached, what I thought was, the destination.

"The beach," I screamed happily, god I loved the beach. I loved it almost as much as I loved bunnies. And I really love bunnies.

"This isn't the final destination Val," he sighed, "God your so easily impressed. Next time I'm just getting you a carboard box."

"Where are we going then," I laughed as he pulled.

"You'll see," he laughed, pulling me along until finally I saw it.

"Holy shit," I shouted, looking at the scene surrounding me. It was beatiful. Little lights decorated the beach and a blanket sat in the center, a picnic basket on top. It was perfect.

"You like it," he asked, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Like it," I screeched, "I love it Ashton! Thank you!"

"The picnic basket is the best part," he laughed, guiding me over to the small basket. I opened it up and gasped, it was literally a basket full of chocolate. I think I'm in love with this boy.

"Ashton you are the best," I laughed, "Seriously I love you."

"What did you say," he whispered, I only then realized what I just said. We haven't exactly said the 'L-word' yet. We have been dating for a while, so it wasn't weird or anything, but we just haven't gotten there yet. I looked at him, afraid of what he was going to say. I could have screwed this up bad.

"I um," I stuttered, sitting on the blanket awkwardly, "I love you?" It came out almost more like a question for I wasn't quite sure what this was going to mean.

"I love you too," he whispered, sitting down beside me.

"I love you," I said again and that's how the rest of the night carried on. We said our 'i love you's', ate some chocolate, and kissed a little. All in all, it was a perfect night.

"I think you've made up for being gone all day," I whispered, leaning against him sleepily.

"I'm glad," he nodded, "now let's go to bed. I am super tired."

"Can we just stay here," I yawned, closing my eyes.

"As long as I'm with you," he yawned, laying back and pulling me into him, "We can go wherever you want."

"I love you Ash."

"I love you Val."

I looked at him, and him at me, and in that moment, I knew we were infinite.

Then we slept.

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