Goodbye (pt 2)

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"Hey sorry boys. I had things that needed done," Michael murmured quietly, casting sad glances at Calum and Luke.

"Ok now everyone's here. Tell me what the hell is happening," Ashton yelled. He was finally about to get some answers.

"You haven't told him yet," Michael screamed, his voice raising an octave. The only reason he was late was because he had hoped that Calum and Luke would have done the hard part. That way he would only be there to pick up the pieces.

"We were waiting for you," Luke protested, "you needed to be here for this."

Calum nodded in agreement, "Yea Mike, they said we all needed to be here. If we told him without you our lives would be hell."

"Wait whose they," Ashton questioned. They normally didn't have many friends outside of each other. They were on the road a lot and most of their old friends lost connections with them. That alone was the only downfall of this band.

"Sit down Ash," Calum whispered, motioning to a nearby bench. Ashton slowly sat down, suddenly feeling that he didn't want to know what this was about.

"Ok you know that dream you were telling me about," Cal began, trying to keep his composure.

"Yea about how you all..."

"Yea that," Cal interrupted, he couldn't bear letting Ashton continue, "that wasn't a dream mate."

"What are you talking about? It obviously was. I mean you are standing here right in front of me," Ashton laughed. What the hell were they going on about? They were right here in front of him. Ashton laughed at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. It was quite funny really.

"Ash this is serious," Luke hissed, wiping more tears away from his eyes.

"Oh yea sorry but you do realize how ridiculous you sound."

"Except it's not Ash," Calum insisted, "have you realized anything strange about anything going on here?"

"Like what? I mean other than the fact you guys are acting like complete assholes and you aren't telling me anything!"

"Ash look at my clothes," Luke said stepping closer, "Look at them."

"Wait," Ashton said, realization finally dawning on him, "Why are they so dry? It's like pouring out here."

"Ash this isn't real," Calum said finally, "We aren't actually here. This is all a dream."

"Not really a dream. It's more of like a message. A message that we needed to give you," Luke explained, his heart racing quickly. He couldn't believe he actually was going to do this. Hell he couldn't believe he was in this position at all.

"What the hell are you going on about? What message," Ashton yelled angrily. He needed answers before he went absolutely mental.

"Ash do you remember that concert? The one in London," Michael asked carefully.

"Yea I remember that. It was the best night ever. The crowd was great. The songs were great. It was all great," Ashton smiled, reminiscing about the show at the O2 a few weeks before. It was one of the biggest crowds they have played in their whole career. They played a bunch of new stuff and the crowd went absolutely insane. In fact he thought it was one of the best shows they have ever played.

"Do you remember what happened at the end of the show," Calum asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I remember standing up from the drums to bow but then after that it all goes fuzzy," Ashton spoke slowly, his brows furrowed in concentration as he tried to remember the events that took place after that moment.

"I'll take that as a no then," Luke said with a nod, "Look Ash what we are about to tell you isn't good. Just listen to us ok?

"Ok! Now give me answers," Ashton groaned. He was frankly annoyed with all these secrets. There was something the boys weren't telling him and he was going to find out what it was.

You said you remember standing up right," Michael asked slowly. He didn't know if he could go through with this.

"Yea, but after that it's all a blur."

"After you stood up some ass in the front row did too," Calum hissed, the girl was a bitch.

"And she had something against us. I don't know what we could have done to her. I don't know what was wrong with her. All I know is that she was pissed off at us. She started screaming but we couldn't hear anything over the crowd. We were pumping with adrenaline ya know," Luke explained, remembering that night fondly. He enjoyed every moment of that concert up until the end. The moment where everything went in the wrong direction.

"Yea that was a fun night," Ashton nodded.

"Well she started screaming and grabbed this silver thing from her belt. God knows how anybody missed it but it all happened so fast. Next thing we know she was shooting bullets onto the stage. Luckily she only had four. Only four chances to kill," Calum explained, shivering at the thought.

"Damn that girl had a good aim," Michael cursed, tears slowly falling down his pale face.

"What are you saying Cal? She only hurt us right? That's why I can't remember anything. She just hurt us," Ashton cried. He didn't want him to finish whatever he was going to say. He knew what was coming next. He just prayed it wasn't true.

"Her bullets hit all four times," Cal whispered, his voice cracking. He couldn't stop the tears anymore. He was too weak. He was too weak to go on with this. But he had to. He had to do this for Ash.

"One hit me," Luke murmured, pointing to his chest, "right here."

"Another hit me," Michael added, pointing to his neck, "right on my damn neck."

"The third one hit me," Calum whispered, a hint of anger in his voice as he pointed towards his temple, "right there."

"What about the fourth one. You said there were four," Ashton hissed, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't believe it. He couldn't believe it.

"The fourth one hit you," Luke cried, tears glistening on his cheeks, "right there." He watched Luke's hand move towards his ankle.

"The bullets killed us on that stage," Michael cried, "luckily you were so far back and she was on the ground that it only hit your ankle."

"The reason you can't remember anything is because all of the blood you lost. You fainted I think. You were in the hospital a few days but eventually you were fine," Cal continued.

"Yea then I had to wear a cast for two weeks and my ankle still buckles sometimes, "Ashton replied. He remembered this part. Those were the longest two weeks of his life. He thought that was all in his dream though. He didn't think that could be real. He didn't know that kind of pain could actually exist.

"Yea but you lived Ash. You got away with a damaged ankle. We weren't as lucky," Luke whispered. He didn't want to feel the way he did but no matter what he couldn't stop being jealous. He was jealous that Ashton lived. He hated himself for it but he couldn't help it. He wasn't done with everything. He still had things to do.

"We died Ash," Michael finally said.

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