1.2 ᵀᴴᴱᴰᴿᴱˢˢ

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L y d i a

It was only halfway through the week and I already wanted to go home, me and Allison have grown a lot closer and she is now one of my best friends as well as Jackson. Soon enough Jackson arrived at the table overwhelmed with excitement.

"Guys! Guys! Do you remember that guy I was telling you about the hot one, I met over the summer, well he's here and he has a twin too. Of course only one of them is gay but anyway he's called Ethan and his brothers called Aiden." We sat there in amazement as Jackson revisited every detail of his 'romantic summer'. He also told us that they now hang around with Stiles' group.

A few minutes later Scott appeared, again... "Hey Allison, I was wondering if you wanted to come to this party Stiles is having on Friday?"

"Sure, but can Jackson and Lydia come to?" Allison asked. I was about to interrupt and decline the sincere offer but Allison had already elbowed me in the arm.

"Ouch!" I pouted.

"Yeah sure,  can't wait to see you there!" Scott winked at Allison as he turned and walked away to sit with his friends.

"What the hell Allison." I shrieked.

"What! I got you invited to the hottest party of the year you should be thanking me." Allison smirked.

She turned to Jackson. "So are you in?"

"Hell Yeah, I'm in!" They both turned to me.

"Fine!" I say giving up.

The rest of lunch was a blur, I was to busy thinking about the fact that I was going to Stiles Stilinski party. "Lydia! This means we have to go shopping for new outfits!" I groaned internally.


Allison and I were driving to the mall, she already knew I had a massive crush on Stiles but she never said anything until now "So you like Stiles?"


"Lydia, it's so obvious you have a massive crush on Stiles your always staring at him!"

"Am not," I lied.

"How Long?" Allison asked.

"Since 3rd grade," I spoke quietly. 

"THIRD GRADE!" She shrieked.

"What the hell Allison!" 

"You never told him?" She asked softly.

"Why would I, we were friends along time ago but nothing more, he changed and we drifted apart." my eyes started to water but I rubbed them away before any tears could escape.

upon arriving we shopped and we shopped until Allison found the dress. "I have to try it on!" She dragged me into the shop while she went looking for the dress. 

I also spot a cute dress that catches my eye, I began walking over admiring it. "You'd looked pretty in that." I turn around to see Stiles there.

His messy brown hair and whiskey eyes that you just get lost in; his smile that brightens up the room. I immediately start panicking, "Y-you think?"

"I know so." He spoke making my heart beat out of my chest.

"What are you doing here Stiles?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm thinking of changing my gender," He spoke seriously. I looked at him confused "I'm kidding." He started to laugh making me laugh, "I could always make you laugh Lyds!" He said smiling. 


He always used to call me that and if I'm honest I missed it; my stomach filled with butterflies, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"No, I'm here with Malia she's choosing a dress for Friday." The butterflies died to say the least.

"Sorry for distracting you," My voice slightly breaking.

"Nah, it's fine she always makes me hold all of her clothes anyway." He chuckles.

"Actually while you're here I need your advice so basically your a girl, and all I was just wondering if you could tell me what to get Malia for her Birthday, I have no clue."

"Y-yeah..." I instantly die inside. "Malia is a really pretty girl she deserves something as beautiful as her like a piece of jewelry."

"Thanks Lyds, wait aren't you coming to the party on Friday?" He asked.

"Yeah with Allison." I nodded.

"I better get back to Malia, she's probably wondering where I've gotten to, also that dress will look really good on you." 

"Thanks but it's not really my style." I shrugged lying.

"Okay then, see you later Lydia thanks for the advice." He said smiling while turning and walking away.

After Stiles had left I went to find Allison to tell her about Stiles. After a while of gossiping, Allison dropped me off home. I walk into the kitchen to see my Mom watching TV while eating her dinner.

"Hello Sweetie, Stiles came by before and dropped a box for you I put it in your room."

"Ok thanks, goodnight Mom." I headed upstairs anxious and confused, upon entering my room and I headed for the box, I opened up the lid and picked up the card.

Thank you for the advice
-Stiles x

I  cant help but smile at the card and take off the tissue paper to reveal a beautiful dress, the exact one I was looking at before. I instantly smile and felt my heart beat skip a beat. My heart fluttered as I admire the dress I  instantly picked up my phone to text Stiles to say thanks.

L y d i a :
Thanks for the dress I love it!
You didn't have to though x

S t i l e s :
No problem it was the least I
could do thanks for the advice
See you Friday ;)

V o t e &
C o m m e n t
- t r a s h

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now