1.24 ᴹᴼᵛᴵᴺᴳ ᴼᴺ

309 27 9


L y d i a

It's been a couple days since the huge fight between Stiles and I, and I've not spoken to anyone I've totally isolated myself from everyone, going to school is a struggle, but since I'm in isolation I don't have to speak to anyone.

I walk into school only having to stay two more days before I move to San Fransisco with my dad, I walk towards my locker and start emptying it out with the books I needed to return. I close my locker with a sigh and turn around to see him.


I look at him, he's talking to Scott, Allison, Issac and Cora, they're laughing. I slightly smile but feel hurt, but then again I was hurt to much to care.

He looks at me his face dropping into a frown all the colour in his face had gone, this caused all of them to turn and look at me.

I dropped my head immediately and walked off to the isolation room, where I belong. I take my usual seat and wait for the day to blow over.

Before I know it the day is over and I'm heading back to my car, I slowly walk to my car. I kept my head down causing me to bump into someone and drop my books everywhere.

"I'm so sorry." The stranger says.

"It's fine, don't worry." I spoke and looked up at them to see a certain whiskey eyes boy. He looks straight at me.

"L-Lydia." Stiles stuttered and I look at him.

"I'm sorry." I apologised before picking up my books and running out. I ran so fast to my car away from him. As soon as I got in I drove home. Walking in the door I'm stopped by my mother.

"Lydia, your flight is tomorrow night around eleven so you need to pack the rest of your stuff and I will ship them off on Saturday." My mother spoke.

"Okay." I sighed heading up the stairs, walking into my room with a sigh I started packing my suitcase with some clothes that would last me until all my stuff would arrive.

I packed up my suitcase and rolled it to my door, I groaned at the mess of my room. I continue packing and start stacking up the boxes. I walk towards the bed and see the picture of me and Stiles.

I look at it and smile slightly, I then look up, tears streaming down my face and I throw the picture frame at the wall cause it to shatter.

My mom comes in and sees it "Lydia Martin, clean this up immediately, stop having a tantrum and grow up! Your acting like a child!" I rolled my eyes as she slams the door.

I walk over and look at the picture and I start to cry, and cry, and cry. I then grab a piece of paper and start to write a letter, a letter to Stiles, to say goodbye.

Once I finished the letter I folded it up and put it in an envelope, I take off my necklace, the one he had gotten me for my birthday and put it in as well. I leave it on the nightstand and climbed into bed, soon enough I'm asleep.


I woke up and got dressed, it's my last day in Beacon Hills, and I need to get out of here. I grab the letter off my nightstand and put it in my bag.

I head downstairs and into the car, I drive to school and walk in. I walk towards the same room I've been sitting in all week, I take a seat and enjoy my last day. Note my sarcasm.

Once the days finished, I go to head out to find Stiles to give him the letter, but couldn't spot him anywhere, instead I spot Scott and walk up to him.

"Scott?" I say and he turns around. "I know you can't really be seen with me or want to talk with me but I just wanted to give you something." I hand him the letter. "It's for Stiles, will you make sure he gets it. Please." He nods.

I smile at him "Thank you Scott, for everything."

"Yeah, no problem." He says awkwardly.

"Goodbye." I say knowing it would be the last time I saw him.

"Bye." He said as I walked off, tears streaming down my face. I got into my car and drove home. Once I arrived, I headed straight to my room and packed up the last bits of stuff I need.

I come across a box, a box of stuff full of Stiles things, I pull it out and take a seat on the floor. The first thing I see is the dress he bought me.

The next item was his jacket, I held it and brought it to my nose taking in the scent one last time. There was a bunch of pictures scattered all over the box, pictures of us, of him. The one in the car of him singing was my favourite, I place that picture inside my suitcase, keeping it. Forever.

I picked up his stuff and carried it to my car, driving to his house I walked to his front door to be greeted by his dad. "Hi Noah."

"Lydia, hello." It's been really awkward since he found out I was the main reason for his son being in a hospital bed.

"I just wanted to drop this off, it's some of Stiles things." I say.

"He's not here at the moment."

"No...um... I just wanted to drop it off." He takes the box from me with a small smile. "Goodbye, Mr. Stilinski."

"Bye Lydia." He says and closes the door. I drive back home and start to get ready.

I take one last look at my room before wheeling my suitcase downstairs and to the front door. I leave my house and car keys on the side before leaving the house I grew up in.

The drive to the airport was agony driving past his house once last time before never seeing him again.

"Goodbye my love." I mumble quietly and softly.

V o t e  &
C o m m e n t
- next chapter gonna kill ya :(

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now