1.11 ᴬᶠᵀᴱᴿᴹᴬᵀᴴ

367 34 5

f o r loledward <3


L y d i a

It's been two days since my fight with Stiles and it's time to go back to school, to face reality. I regret completely what I said to Stiles. I made my way to Allison's car and greeted her with a brief smile.

"What's up buttercup?" She asked giggling at the nickname.

"N-nothing." I stuttered.

"Lydia something obviously wrong."

"There isn't."

"Okay..." We spent the rest of the drive, in silence until we arrived at school. I got out and couldn't see Stiles jeep anywhere, he must've broken down again or something.

"Hey, guys." We were greeted by Scott, followed by Issac and Cora; hands interwind.

"Morning." Allison greeted, pecking Scott's lips.

"Have any of you guys seen Stiles this morning or weekend?" Scott asked.

"No, Lydia?"

"I saw him Friday night but I've not seen him since," I spoke.

"He probably needs some space after Friday." Cora hinted.

"Why? What happened on Friday?" I asked curiously.

"He got into this massive fight with Malia. It was really violent; he pinned her against the lockers and started to shout in her face." Cora spoke.

"What was he yelling about?"

"We don't really know." They denied lying.


We were way into the second period when someone came in. He had a black jumper on, hood up, head down and he walked to the back of the class and took a seat.

I couldn't help but stare at him, that's until he put his head up for a second, staring at me right in the eyes.


He was so pale, there was not a single sign of color in his face. Massive black eyes, that were bloodshot and puffy like he'd been crying or not sleeping. Maybe both. He didn't look like himself at all, and the guilt was eating me alive.

He quickly looked back down to the desk and carried on working. I could feel my eyes glistening with tears, I quickly look back at my work before I start full-on crying. At what seemed like forever, the lesson was finally over and when I turned around to talk to him. He was gone.

I ran out quickly and tried to find him, but he was gone. I walked to the cafeteria to meet up with the rest of the group to see if they've seen him. Walking out to the table I only see Allison, Scott, Issac, and Cora. No Stiles. I head over to sit with them.

"Hey, have you guys seen Stiles today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I tried to speak to him but he ran away, he didn't look like himself, he was pale, and his eyes were red and he just didn't look right," Scott spoke unnerved, I started to worry even more.

Theo then approached the table and looked at me, his hands joined with Malia's.

"Lydi-." I interrupted him before he could say anything else.

"No Theo, you listen, were done, I'm breaking up with you, it's not you, it's m-, wait actually it is you and not me. Anyway, go to go, bye." I walk away smiling to myself for standing up to Theo. I decide to head to the library to get some last-minute studying in, but before I got there I was interrupted by the bell, so I turned on my heel and headed to class.


S t i l e s

I woke up to the sound of my alarming blaring. I ignored it and turned back over, not wanting to face anyone today. Especially her. "STILES!" My dad yelled. "You need to get up you're going to be late." I reluctantly got up and was hit with immense pain, all up and down my arm and my heart. My heart just ached.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, locked the door and turned on the light. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying, Black from the lack of sleep, pale because I've not eaten in two days.

I lift up my sleeve to see her name. I take off my clothes and get into the shower. I let the hot wat cascade down my body, my new wound slightly burning under the hot water. Once finishing I get out changing into a black hoodie. Pulling the sleeves all the way down I pull up the hood to cover my face. I walk out of my bathroom and pick up my backpack. 

I climb into my Jeep and turn the key, to find the engine not working, hitting the wheel in anger. Climbing back I open the lid, to find the engine completely burned. Having no other choice but to walk. I screwed up bad, but I don't know if I want to fight anymore, especially when I keep loosing. I arrive at school well into the second period, handing my note into the office explaining why I was late.

I head into class keeping my head low and heading straight to the back of the room. I look up for a second to see her. The girl whose name is carved into my arm. I quickly look back down before she sees the tears threatening to spill. At what seemed like an eternity, the bell went and I ran out before she could stop me. I knew I couldn't escape her so I decided to go to the library to get away from it all. From her.

I head into the library and head up the stairs to find a quiet place. I carefully brush my fingers against the spines of a few books. Until I find one book.

'the girl and the lighthouse'

My mom used to read me this book all the time it was her favorite book. It was about this girl who grew up in a lighthouse and she met a boy who also lived in the lighthouse but he was a ghost. And she fell in love with him, and their love was strong enough to make him real.

I grab the book and walk over to a quiet corner with a window. Sitting down carefully I open the book and began reading. Already 2 chapters in the bell went and I had to head to the next lesson, I gently but the book in my bag and head to the next period.

V o t e &
C o m m e n t
- have an amazing day

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now