1.21 ᴰᴿᴬᴾᴱᵀᴼᴹᴬᴺᴵᴬ

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t h i r d  p e r s o n

"Stiles, come on!" A younger Lydia exclaimed giggling.

"Hold on strawberry." A younger Stiles said trying to catch up with the wild spirt that was Lydia Martin. She giggled still running. The rustic leaves crunched beneath her feet, the blazing sun shone upon her, like she was an angel.

The lovestruck boy followed her like a puppy. He was hopelessly in love with her. The boy followed her, jumping over broken tree branches that lay in his path to catch the girl.

Lydia came an abrupt stop, her gaze was locked, her eyes now wide open to the view in front of her. The tired boy finally caught up with the wild sprit. His gaze was fixated on her, while her gaze lay elsewhere. 

Her vivid emerald eyes now locked with his whiskey brown ones, he melted under her gaze. She gave him the biggest smile, hands intertwined she dragged the love stuck boy to where her gaze was.

The golden crisp sand curled between their toes making them tingle. The translucent sea crashed against the shore completely drowning their feet.

Lydia was in awe, her hand still tangled with his, Stiles couldn't help but stare, but not at the breathtaking view in front of him.

But at her.

He was mesmerised by her complexion, her small pink plump lips in a wide smile, her eyes endless and overflowing with beauty.

"It's captivating." She said breaking the silence between them.

"It really is." He said still staring at her, Lydia blushed. An idea came to her head, a crazy and stupid idea that she thought was really cliche.

She splashed him.

Stiles looked at her in awe and started laughing, he then splashed her. What turned into a few splashes turned into a full on water fight.

Lydia had jumped onto the love stuck boys back. He was twirling and spinning her around, laughter and happiness filled the air. They were two love struck teenagers, who had endless love for each other but none of them knew there true feelings.

After hours of endless splashing in the water they decided it was time to dry off. They sat on the crispy sand indulging the sun.

"Stiles?" She spoke.

"Yes, Strawberry." He said looking at her.

"This our special place." She spoke.

"I know." He replied.

"That means." She crawled to him. "No one can ever come her except me and you."

"Our hideaway." He smiled and the strawberry nodded with a smile.

"You have to promise." Lydia spoke holding out her pinky.

"Pinky promise." Stiles promised holding out his pinky. They entangled their pinky's with a smile. The strawberry then fell back into his arms.

Little did the two unrequited lovers know that the promise would be broken, and both hearts would be torn to pieces.

The thing about Stiles and Lydia is that they were Eccedentesiast. An Eccedentesiast is someone who hides pain behind a smile. Their 'special place' was their home away from home.

Stiles escape from his abusive and alcoholic father.

Lydia's escape from her nemesism mother, who was never happy with the way she was.

They were happy, when they had each other, but the years go on and time doesn't stop. The friends were split apart, maybe because of Lydia, maybe because of Stiles, but in the end they both lost each other.


A few years later when Stiles and Lydia no longer spoke, they kept their promise and never took anyone to their special place until.

Lydia was wandering through the forest the wild sprit she once was, had been put out. She strolled through the leaves hung above her head tickling her face.

The ground worn and old, the once leave covered path now covered by dirt and broken brick. Lydia visited the 'special place' everyday, she would sit on one of the rocks and read a book, listening to the waves crash against the shore.

She had arrived at the end of the forest but the start of the beach. She closed her eyes and took in the smell of the ocean it was her favourite smell.

She forever wished she never opened her eyes but she did and what she saw killed her inside. It was Stiles. And Malia. They were making out on her rock.

Lydia stood there, her heart slowly tearing apart. A single tear ran down her face, she mumbled something before running. Running all the way home to the place where she could be isolated and where she could cry.

From then on every time she went they were there, taunting her. Then one night they threw a party there, that completely destroyed her, it was 'their special place.' Not Malia's. Not anyone else's.

The next day Lydia went to the beach and cleaned it up, it was her beach and it was ruined. It was trashed with, red plastic cups, empty bottles and cans. It was a mess and Lydia had never felt more betrayed.

While Lydia was cleaning up she saw him. Stiles. She was so angry at him. She went right up to him and with the swift of one arm she slapped him.

Lydia had tears in her eyes, the tears were threatening to spill, but she wasn't going to let them fall not in front of him.

Stiles knew he had let her down, he held onto the side of his face. He saw the tears in her eyes, his eyes began to water but he pushed them back.

She didn't need to shout, she didn't need to scream. All she need to say was four words. Fours words that could destroy Stiles.

'You broke your promise."

And with that she walked away she walked out of his life for good. Until that is when she fell head over heels in love with him all over again.

V o t e &
C o m m e n t
- this is kind of a flashback chapter thingy, it really broke my heart writing this

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now