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(5 y e a r s l a t e r )

L y d i a

It's been 5 years since I last spoke to Stiles, that doesn't mean I've not thought of him. Always. I still live in San Fransisco with my dad and Brooke. And I also still speak to Allison, all the time, the occasional time Scott, but never Stiles.

A couple months after I left Allison told me Stiles got his memories back and I couldn't be more happier, I just hoped he wasn't in pain and that the memories wouldn't haunt him.

I miss him, I always have but not as much anymore, I sigh looking out of my window at the beautiful city. My gazing is interrupted by my phone.

A l e c ;
Hey babe, on my way now, c u in 10 ;)

L y d i a ;
Okay, see you then :)

Did I forget to mention, after 2 years at my new school I met Alec. He's kind and thoughtful, although he'll never be Stiles. But that's not the point! I am in a happy and healthy relationship, or at least that's what i try and tell myself.

I get up picking up my bag and phone, before heading downstairs. I walk into the living room to see Ben and Anthony watching cartoons.

"Hey boys!" I said smiling. Anthony smiled while Ben gets up and runs to give me a hug. Over the last five years I have created a happy and beautiful relationship with my brothers.

Ben shows a little bit more appreciation towards me because he's younger, whereas Anthony is a bit more grown up and mature. I like to embarrass Anthony because that's what an older sister does.

I pick up Ben kissing him on the cheek "what'cha doing today?" I ask.

"Mommy's taking me to the park!" Ben exclaimed excited. I also have not spoken to my mother since the day i left, a few birthday cards here and there but I've not had and actual conversation with her.

"Sounds fun!" I exclaimed tickling him as he giggled. "Lydia! Alec's here!" Brooke shouted. I kissed Ben's cheek before putting him down and walking out the door.

Getting in the car I kiss Alec's cheek "so where too today?" I ask.

"Movies?" Alec suggested.

"Perfect." I smile looking out of the window as he drives.

We pull up at the movies and he takes my hand walking me inside, he buys two tickets. I go straight to the counter to buy some twizlers, popcorn and a slushie. Taking my seat i start to indulged in my popcorn.

"So what are we watching?" I asked him as he grabs a handful of popcorn.

"The breakfast club." He said with a mouthful of popcorn.

My heart sank, the last I had watched this film was with Stiles, i couldn't put myself through it. I passed the popcorn to Alec, loosing my appetite.

I sank into my chair, feeling awkward and sad. Alec doesn't have any clue about Stiles and what has happened, and I'd like it to stay that way.

I watched the film becoming more and more sad as i watched his favourite part. By the end I was in tears, I usually wouldn't be as bad but it just triggered something. Alec wrapped his arm around me as we walked out.

"So, I'm guessing you didn't like the movie?" He kind of asked looking at me.

"No, the breakfast club is my favourite movie... it just brings up some sad memories." I explained.

"What memories?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Lydia it's a film, it's not that bad of memories. Why can't you tell me?" He nagged.

"I said, I don't want to talk about it." I repeated.

"Your so selfish, I bring you to this movie and spend time with you and you don't even enjoy it, you ungrateful bitch!" He spat before leaving.

I sighed rubbing my face, tears started to form. Even though Stiles wasn't here he still caused problems. Every so often me and Alec would have an argument about Stiles, the person Alec still doesn't know that existed.

He would storm off and not speak to me for the remaining hours of that day and then text me apologising the next day and I would forgive him, because that's how I work, I am a weak for love.

I start walking home, wrapping my arms around myself to keep warm. Once I arrive home, I head straight up to my room get changed into something warm.

Once I'm warmed up I light a candle and go to sit at the window ledge looking out at the city. Covering myself in a blanket, Brooke walks in. Brooke had kind of became a mother to me, I wasn't sure at first but she's been more of a parent, then both my actual parents combined.

She came over and sat down get under the blanket next to me, I immediately smiled and cuddled next to her.

"Bad date?" She asked softly making me nod. "Stiles?" I nodded again tears forming. Once I got to know Brooke a lot more, I told her about Stiles and everything and she comforted me and she helped me get over him.

"It's just... Alec, he took me to see 'the breakfast club' at the movies and it... it just reminded me of him and the last time I watched it was with him... and I still can't seem to pull myself together... I should be strong but I feel completely weak." I admitted and Brooke kissed my head.

"Your not weak Lydia, your one of the most strong and independent woman I know. Don't ever doubt yourself, you're stronger than you think." She declared. "It's going to take time, you and Stiles were a pair that was beautiful and toxic; it may have been five years but your real love is something that takes forever to heal, and the only real way you can move on is too forget." I listen to her words carefully snuggling into her.

"Thank you." I spoke smiling at her.

"Anytime." She smiled and kissed my head before leaving. I take another sip of my tea before grabbing my favourite book, re-reading it for the one thousandth time.

'the girl and the lighthouse'

I open the book to see the only reason I read the book so much. Him. His writing.

'hey lyds,
this is my favourite book ever and i
wanted you to have it. it always
make me think of you and i
hope you think of me as you read it.
i hope you like it as much as i do.'

I smiled tracing my finger over his writing, 'the goofball' I think to myself. I open the first chapter to see the photo of Stiles, the one I took of him in the car, the one I said I'd keep forever. I kiss stiles face and held him close to my chest wanting to hold him in real life.

I re-read the book, as my eyes started getting heaving, I place my bookmark inside it before blowing out the candle and getting into bed.

Holding the blankets close to me I look at the stars one last time before closing my eyes, Stiles still playing on mind.

V o t e &
C o m m e n t
- every time i wrote the word tea i always said 'tea sis' in my head :)

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now