1.22 ᴷᴬᴿᴹᴬˢ ᴬ ᴮᴵᵀᶜᴴ

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L y d i a

I was woken up to laughing and talking. I slowly opened my eyes with a yawn.

"Hey sleepyhead." Allison said. I looked at her and Scott and smiled. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, Yeah." I said sleepy, I turned my head towards Stiles "how are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Not bad." He replied. "And no. I haven't remembered anything." He spoke quietly knowing I would ask him. I gave him an awkward smile, and moved slightly in my chair.

Melissa then entered the room. "So, Stiles how are we doing?" She asked.

"Alright." He replied. "Do you know when I can go home?" He asked her as she was checking his blood pressure.

"I'm not actually sure but I think not for another couple of days, sorry." She said taking of the pump. "That means, Lydia." I look at her. "You have to go back to school."

I looked at her with disappointment. "B-But why?" I asked.

"You still need an education, Lydia. We let is slide while Stiles was asleep, but he's awake now." She said. "Scott and Allison have to go back to school as well so, your not on your own."

My stomach dropped, I wasn't ready to go back and face everyone. "O-Okay." I hesitated.

"Good. Your going in tomorrow. Also your mom rang she's back home and she wanted to see you." She said. I felt really sick and did not want to go back to hell. Stiles mouthed 'ha-ha' to me and I punched him in the arm playfully.

"Ow!" He said pouting making me laugh, he reminded me of how he used to be. I spent the rest of the day talking and laughing with the whiskey eyed boy hoping something would trigger his memory.


t h i r d  p e r s o n

Lydia woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring, it was a warning bell that she would have to face someday. She reluctantly got out of bed and took a shower.

She let the hot water cascade down her back, the soapy blue liquid falling down her body. She got out of the shower brushed and dried her hair, then got changed.

Lydia sat down at her desk and started doing her makeup. War paint she thought as she brushed on mascara, dapped on lipstick. A mask of courage, to help her face the world. With every stroke of her makeup brush, she was painting on confidence. In the mirror she saw a women she scarcely recognised. A women she had not seen in a long time.

"Welcome back." She murmured, and smiled.

She grabbed her bag and headed downstairs towards the door. She got into her car and drove to school, the amount of times 'turning the car around and driving home' crossed her mind was unspeakable at this point.

She pulled up at what she called hell and debated about 100 times before getting out of the car. She plastered on a smile and walked towards the 'gates of hell'. Slowly though, she thought. No rush.

She felt everything go in slow motion as she pushed open the doors, everyone took time out of their busy lives to stop and turn. The looks she was getting were indescribable, some hatred, some disgust, some sad.

Lydia swallowed the lump in her throat, she felt tears fill up her eyes, but she held them back with all the power she had left. She simply flicked her hair back and walked towards Allison.

"Hey Ali." Lydia said walking up to her.

"Hey..." Allison spoke quietly and not looking at her.

"Everything okay?" Lydia asked.

"Y-Yeah." Allison said lying.

"Allison, i know when you are lying." Lydia said.

Allison ignored her and began putting her books away.

"Allison." Lydia repeated.

"Lydia seriously! Nothings wrong." Allison shouted slamming her locker making Lydia jump. Allison looked at Lydia's teary eyes.

"Okay. I'm gonna go." Lydia spoke quietly and softly.

"Wait Lydia, i'm sorry." Allison said.

"No it's okay. I understand Ali, you don't want to be seen with me, I understand.... I'm the bitch, the girl who bullies people.... into killing themselves!" Lydia shouted making everyone and I mean everyone look at her. Allison just stood there silently wincing back from her.

"Miss. Martin!" Someone growled making her turn around to see the principal. "My office please, now." Lydia nodded and looked at Allison one last time before following him.

Lydia entered his office and sat down at his desk, the principle turned to her and sat down "Miss. Martin, I am aware of the current situation, when your name was mentioned to me I didn't believe at first, I thought it was someone trying to throw you under the bus, but now, after hearing that, I know there's a lot more to the story." He spoke firmly and spitefully.

Lydia looked at him tears swelling in her eyes. "I was going to suspend you for this horrible and cruel act, but you have already missed too much of school, so I am going to keep you in isolation until further notice, you will also be in detention every night after school until further notice as well as Malia, Aiden, and Theo. Is there anyone else I should know about?" He asked and Lydia shook her head.

"You see sir, after school I visit Stiles in the hospital and help him with his recovery." Lydia spoke softly.

"Miss. Martin, you will do the detentions or there will be further problems and I would hate to add more on to your permanent record." Lydia's heart sunk.

"P-Permanent record?" Lydia asked.

"Miss.Martin this is a serious matter, one that consisted of a student nearly taking his own life! It is all going on your permanent record, you should be lucky the boy is not pressing charges." He said annoyed. Lydia nodded and looked down to her shoes. "Please head to the isolation room, your teacher will bring you work."

Lydia got up and left the room, she inhaled a big breath and headed to the room. She sat down at and empty desk and curled into herself. Time passed and she was given work to complete, she did as she was told not wanting to get into further trouble.

Once the bell rang for the end of the day, Lydia was escorted to one of the classrooms to sit her first detention, ever. Lydia sat there awkwardly, Aiden, Malia, and Theo all giving her dirty looks.

Lydia ran out of the school once the detention was up, she ran to her car, she didn't feel anything anymore, and she knew her future was gone all because of some stupid schoolgirl crush.

All because of Stiles Stilinski.

V o t e &
C o m m e n t
- this book drags :/

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now