1.19 ᴸᴼˢᴵᴺᴳ ᴬᴸᴸ ᴴᴼᴾᴱ

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L y d i a

It's been two weeks. Two long heartbreaking weeks and he's still lay there. I've been staying at the Stilinski residence since that night and I don't mind it.

Me and Noah watch movies and order take out, and he talks to me about work and stuff. He's like the dad I never had.

Stiles room was slowly starting not smell of him, and instead smelt like perfume and strawberries. I always smell his shirts, exchanging them here and there so I can still have his scent lingering on me.

Melissa came in to do her daily check up on Stiles, the usual blood/heart test.

"Any change?" I ask.

"No, sorry sweetie." She spoke.

"Oh." I said quietly and disappointedly.

"I'm sorry Lydia." She apologised before leaving the room. I stand up and sit on the end of Stiles bed and grab his hand drawing patterns on his palm.

"Stiles, you have to wake up. Everyone starting to worry you'll never wake up but you have to. For your dad. For Scott. For Allison. For Issac. For Cora. For... me. Please Stiles, just please wake up." I look at him hoping he would move or show a sign that he's fighting, but there was nothing.

I get up and sit back on the chair, I grab my book and carry on reading. After a while Allison, Scott, Cora and Issac visit.

"Hey you guys." I say greeting them with a smile.

"Hey." They all said back. Allison walks over and hands me some food and then kisses Stiles head.

Every time Allison comes she always kisses Stiles on the head because she used to kiss her grandma on the head every time she saw her. She was really ill and it's weird but she got better, so Allison thinks that will happen for Stiles.

Her kisses are a second chance at life. I start to indulged in my food as they all take a seat.

"Any change?" Cora asks. I shake my head and carry on eating. They all had disappointed looks in their faces, and I could relate we all just wanted him to wake up. Once I finished my food I began to speak again.

"You know, I talk to him." They all look at me. "Like, I tell him what's going on and what he missed, and the fact he needs to wake up. And I always tell him how much I love him hoping it works and he wakes up. A bit like true loves kiss." I say.

"It will get better." Issac added.

"We're just losing all hope at this point. It may only have been two weeks but, it feels like eternity." Allison got up walked over at sat on the arm of my chair stroking my back.

After a while of talking we went to the cafeteria to get some food. Once we had finished I went back to Stiles room and took a seat on the chair.

I started to read my book again but I am once again interrupted; but this time by Melissa.

"Hey Lydia." She smiled.

"Hi Melissa." I reply.

"No change?" She asked me.

"Nope, any news on when he might wake up?" I ask hopeful.

"You never really know with comas, but why don't you go home get some rest and bring back some of his clothes for when he does wake up." She gave me a little bit of hope to carry on. I smiled and nodded at her before grabbing my jacket, kissing Stiles on the head before leaving.

Once I had arrived at the Stilinski residence I went straight up to his room and fell onto the bed. I got underneath the covers and closed my eyes.


After a couple hours of sleep, I was woken by the sound of Noah's car, he had brought pizza. I always feel guilty because the thing that Noah doesn't know is that he's son is lying in a hospital bed because of me.

"Hey Lydia, I've got pizza." He smiled at me.

"I'm so hungry." I say and we watched the baseball game and indulged in some pizza. "After this I think I'm going to take some of Stiles clothes to the hospital. You know, for when he wakes up." He just smiled at my comment.

"That's nice, but Lydia don't get your hopes up, it's been two weeks."

"What! Two weeks is not that long. Are you losing hope? Your his father...Do you just want him to die?" I was so angry at him for having no faith in his son.

"How dare you ask me that! I love Stiles.......Lydia I lost his mom and I can't get too upset because it will completely destroy me like it when Claudia died." He snapped back.

I sat there awkwardly, waiting for one is to break the awkward silence that was between us. The tension could be cut with a knife.

"I'm just going to get his stuff and go." I spoke quietly and left the room and headed up to Stiles' room and packed some of his clothes. As I was leaving I was stopped by Noah.

"Come on, I'll drive you." I followed him to his car where he drove me to the hospital. I got out of the car wearing some leggings and one of Stiles' hoodies. We walked into the hospital and I headed for Stiles room, Noah followed behind me.

"Lydia.... I'm sorry, but I have no clue what to do if i loose him..." He spoke breaking the silence.

"I understand and I'm sorry too, I shouldn't of said those things." I said back and took my usual seat next to Stiles bed.

"I better get going, I need to get some sleep and be up early for work." He walked over to me gave me a kiss on the head and left.

I intertwined my fingers with Stiles and kissed the back of his hand. "Hey Stiles, I'm back, I have some clothes for you when you wake up. I miss you, and your sarcasm, please wake up soon. I love you."

I lean back into the chair and see one of his fingers move; getting up immediately i rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. His fingers moved again.

His eyes started to slowly open and I could see the whiskey ones I had fallen in love with.


V o t e  &
C o m m e n t
- cliffhanger bitches — your gonna kill me for what happens next ;)

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now