1.8 ᴴᴱᴬᴿᵀᴮᴿᴱᴬᴷ ᴾᴬᴿᵀ 2

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S t i l e s

I couldn't stop thinking about last night, Lydia is so amazing. My thoughts are then interrupted by the lunch bell and I start heading to lunch only to be stopped by a certain dirty blonde.

"Hey Stiles," Malia said.

"Hi, Malia."

"So, can I come over later? Since you ditched me last night!" She snapped angrily.

"Actually no you can't," I said back. Her face dropped and you could see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Are you seeing someone else!" She hissed.

"I can't believe you're doing this here!" I exclaimed.

"Doing what, confronting you for the liar you are!" She shouted right back.

"You know what Malia, I can't do this anymore! I think we should break up." I said trying to stay calm.

"Fine!" She screamed but before storming out. I couldn't be bothered with her anymore. once I had spotted my friends I head over to sit down next to them.

"Hey, guys," I spoke before taking a seat next to Lydia, they all just smiled at me. "You guys saw that, didn't you?"

"It was pretty hard to miss," Lydia mumbled giving me a reassuring smile.

"So what was that about?" Scott asked.

"Malia being crazy as per usual!" I replied.

"She one crazy... hot bitch." Issac added. Everyone immediately glared at Issac. "Guys, I was kidding!" He lied.

"So Lyds," Allison spoke as she was trying to change the topic. "Who are you going to the Winter Formal with?"

"To be honest, I wasn't really going to go, those things are just cruel. Girls dressing up for some lame-ass guys just to look there way!" She replied.

"So I'm guessing no ones asked you?" Issac stated.

"Nope?" She confessed.

"Stiles?" Scott said catching my attention. "Who are you taking, since you and Malia are not obviously going?"

"Dunno?" I replied plainly.

"I have an idea!" Allison declared. "Why don't you and Lydia go together?" I looked at her making sure she was okay with me asking.

"Okay," She said. I couldn't help but smile, at her answer.

"This is perfect we can go dress shopping together!" Allison squealed.

"I guess we can," She said with the biggest smile on her face.


I was heading to my last class of the day (thank god), only to be stopped by Malia.

"Hey Stiles, about before, let's forget about it." She spoke.

"Malia, no, I don't want to be with you anymore," I spoke truthfully.

"Stiles, you might wanna change your mind." She growled.

"There's not a chance in hell I'll change my mind!" I snapped at her.

"Not even to protect your little girlfriend?" She pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of Lydia getting changed after the water fight we'd had.

"You bitch," I yell, absolutely furious that she could do something so vile.

"Excuse me! I will post this everywhere unless you get back together with me and go to the dance with me." I had no choice, I couldn't let Lydia get hurt, I care for her too much. "I think a lot of people would love to see this."

"Fine! But I swear to god Malia, if those pictures end up all over the internet, I will personally kill you myself." I was so livid, I stormed off to my last class of the day, and didn't do anything because I didn't want to break the only girl I've every loved, heart.


"Hey, Stiles!" I heard her say; as she was trying to catch up with me. "Stiles?!"

"What!" I shouted in the middle of the parking lot.

"I just wanted to check on you've been really distant since that whole Winter Formal thing. If you don't want to go it's fine?" I knew what I had to do next; I could feel the tears rushing to my eyes only to be pushed away.

"Do you know what, I don't! Why would I want to go with someone like you! A loser and loner who will never get a boyfriend," I hissed. The hurt in her eyes made my heart break.

"Where is this coming from?" She questioned. She looked like she was going to break down crying. All I wanted to do is hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright.

"Malia was right I should've just left you alone, I should've just done this stupid project and then left you like the outcast you are!" I spat not meaning a single word.

"Fine! I hate you, Stiles Stilinski!" Those 3 words just obliterated my heart. 'I hate you' I kept replaying the words she had just shouted. 

I soon as I got home I went up to my room slammed the door and let it happen. Like a songbird released from its cage I let the tears fall, my heart was completely shattered.

I threw all of my things at the wall in pure anger, and hatred. I couldn't do this anymore, the hole in my heart was misshaped and she was the only person who could fill it. I had to get away, I threw a bunch of my clothes in a bag and headed out the door.

I wasn't going away for long just a couple of days to clear my head. I didn't leave a note, I just left. I had to text Malia and tell her it was a family emergency so I wasn't going to be for a few days so she wouldn't do anything drastic.

I kept reminding myself why I did this to her.

"To protect her."


V o t e  &
C o m m e n t
-stiles p.o.v of what happened

𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ☆.*。 STYDIAWhere stories live. Discover now