Chapter 1

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"911 what's your emergency?" the operator said.

"My husband is missing, and he was standing next to me. He would never walk away from me especially at night at a big place like this. I've walked all over the place an- oh my god!"

"Ma'am, what's going on? Where are you?"

"I'm at Central Park. I see my husband, but he's not alone. There's a guy with him, and it looks like the guy is dissecting my husband. Oh my gosh I think I'm going to be sick."

"I have your location. Stay where you are. Don't make a noise. Help is on the way."

"Oh my god he's coming towards me. What do I do?"

"Try your best to hide. Try not to make a noise."

"Okay. What hap- ah!"

"This is the 911 call that happened at around 9:30 last night in New York. The woman's name that placed the call is Emily Prentiss. She was stabbed 16 times in the torso and was also sexually assaulted. Her husband John, well, he was dissected. The unsub cut open his torso and took out his heart, liver, spleen, and pancreas. I did talk to the police chief, and he said that the wife did survive by a miracle. She's in recovery right now. He tried talking to her, but she's so traumatized that she won't talk to anyone." JJ told the team.

"Looking at the husband, it looks like the unsub has medical experience. Look how clean they took out the organs." Reid said.

"Reid's right. If I'm being honest, I didn't know the human had a spleen." Garcia said.

"Okay. When we get to New York, JJ, I want you and Garcia to go to the hospital and see if you can get the wife to talk. Morgan and I will go to the crime scene, and Rossi and Reid will go to station and see if they can find anything else out. Wheels up in 30." Hotch said. Everyone got their things and loaded the plane. As it started to depart, everyone discussed the case until it landed. Once they got into their SUV's, everyone went their separate ways to do their job. JJ and Garcia went to the hospital to see if they could get the victims wife to talk. They both knew it was a longshot, but it was worth a try right?

"May I help you?" the desk lady asked.

"I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau, and this is Tech Analyst Penelope Garcia. We're with the FBI. We need to talk to one of your patients. Her name is Emily Prentiss." JJ said, both of them show her their badge.

"Okay. She's in room 113. But good luck. I heard she doesn't talk to anyone." she said.

"Thanks. But our job is to try to get her to talk. We figured that it's worth a try." JJ told her. Her and Garcia go to Emily's room and knock on the door.

"Come in." they heard. They opened it and saw a nurse giving Emily water. "Oh. Hello. May I help you two?"

"My name is Jennifer Jareau. This is Penelope Garcia. We're with the FBI, and we were hoping to ask Emily a couple of questions." JJ said.

"You can try." the nurse, Valerie, said. JJ thanked her, and Valerie walked out of the room to give the three of them privacy.

"Hello. I'm sure you've heard already, but my name is Jennifer Jareau. That's Penelope Garcia." JJ sat on the chair that was already next to Emily's bed. "We are just here to ask a couple of questions. Is that okay?"

Emily looked at both of them, wondering if she should trust them. She has major trust issues due to guys always cheating on her and a couple of other things. "It's okay if you don't talk. We can just ask you yes or no questions." JJ told her. She sighed and finally gave in because she is tired of people trying to get her to talk. She nodded her head, and so they began.

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