Chapter 22

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The next morning, after getting an hour of sleep, JJ woke up next to Emily, and she never smiled so big before. She just looked at her, wondering how she got so lucky with her. Soon, though, Emily woke up wondering why she was staring at her. "Are you hungry?" JJ asked Emily.

"Yeah. What do you want?" Emily asked her.

"I don't know. Surprise me."  JJ told her. Emily smiled and got up. Emily decided that she wouldn't make a full English breakfast, but she would make what she liked from the entire thing. When it was all done, she called everyone down. When they all got to the kitchen, everyone quickly got their food and began eating. Of course, JJ being pregnant, she got the most, but they weren't judging.

"This is so good Emily!" they all praised.

"Thank you. Believe it or not, my parents taught me this recipe." Emily told them. "Which that leads me to tell you something." Emily started. They all looked at her to continue. "I got a job at a restaurant as the executive chef,"
"That's awesome!" they all started to say.

"In Baltimore." Emily finished. That hushed them all up.

"What?" JJ asked sadly after a little bit of silence.

"I know. I-"

"Kids, can you please give me and Emily a second?" JJ said, cutting off Emily. Emily got the signal and went out into the living room. JJ was a close second behind her, and she started talking. "Why the hell would you take a job all the way in Baltimore? That's like an hour away!" JJ raised her voice.

"I couldn't pass up the offer. Do you have any idea what being an executive chef means to me?" Emily asked, remaining calm.

"I know how much it means to you. But Baltimore? What's so special in Baltimore that you just had to take a job offer? There's plenty job offerings here in D.C." JJ said to her.

"Do you want to know what's so special? Gordon Ramsay's restaurant. And when you get a call by Gordon Ramsay himself saying that you've been hired, you don't decline it. So yeah. That's why it's so special. And if you were wondering, I start training next week, and i have a set schedule of working Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's, and every other Saturday." Emily said to her and walked away. She knew JJ would be upset, but she thought she would be a little bit more understanding since it's been her dream of working for Gordon Ramsay.

After a few minutes of JJ and the boys sitting there in silence as they finished eating, Emily walks in. "I'm going to go get some coffee. I will be back in an hour or two." Emily said and walked out the front door. She got in her car and drove to the nearest coffee shop and met up with Katrina. Apparently she moved there about a year ago.

"Hey cupcake! How have you been?" Katrina asked Emily.

"I've been better. So how has D.C. been treating you?" Emily asked.

"Pretty good. Definitely better than prison. Although I did meet a pretty amazing friend there." she replied.

"I wouldn't say I'm amazing." Emily told her.

"I think you are. So what's up between you and JJ? She didn't cheat on you again did she?" Katrina asked with a little anger at the end.

"No. We actually had a pretty amazing and rough night. But, I told her about me getting a job at Gordon's restaurant, and I think she's mad at me. Mainly because it's in Baltimore, but I tried to explain to her how much it means to me. I just don't think she gets it. I mean, it's only like an hour away compared to her being in a different state sometimes for a few days at a time. I understand that she loves her job, so why can't she understand that I love to cook and have always wanted to work for Gordon Ramsay?" Emily ranted.

"I'm not sure. Tell you what. Since it's still pretty early to think, how about we actually get some coffee and talk?" Katrina asked. Emily agreed to it, so that's what they did. Katrina got a French vanilla frappecino, and Emily got a caramel hazelnut coffee.

The two girls sat back down in their seat and continued their conversation. "So JJ doesn't like you getting a job in Baltimore?" Katrina asked.

"Nope. She doesn't understand why I chose there. She knows why but doesn't understand why." Emily replied.

"Maybe she just doesn't want you to be so far away because with that high class of a restaurant, you could end up getting robbed and be held hostage. Or maybe she's just insecure and doesn't want you finding someone else. I don't know. She doesn't really show her emotion very much whenever I see her." Katrina said.

"I don't know. I know that none of his restaurants have been robbed before. At least I don't think they have. But anywhere you go can be robbed. And I don't know why she would be insecure. I mean, have you seen her? She's literally a goddess, an angel, she's just perfect in every way. I should be the insecure one. I'm a potato compared to her. And her emotions, well, she's an FBI trained criminal profiler. She knows how to contain her emotions most of the time." Emily responded.

"True. And you are not a potato. You are also a goddess." Katrina said. Emily just chuckled at her and disagreed.

Meanwhile with JJ, she is trying to keep herself from crying by cleaning. "Mommy, are you okay?" Michael asked her. She looked down at him and smiled.

"I'm okay baby. I just need some time to think." JJ told him.

"Okay. Can we go take a walk?" he asked, knowing that that sometimes clears her head.

"Sure. Let me finish up, and the three of us can go for a walk downtown." she told him. He lit up like a Christmas tree because he loves going downtown.

After a few minutes, JJ, Michael, Henry, Mirabella, and Athena were on their way to the city. It was Henry's turn to choose the radio station to listen to, and so he of course chose country. JJ didn't mind country music, but it wasn't her favorite music to listen to.

After about 15 minutes, they arrived at the park, and so they got out and began to walk around. The boys decided to play on the playground for a few minutes before moving on to walking around the city. They took a bunch of pictures, and it made JJ forget about everything. That is, until she saw Emily walking with Katrina.


Hey! Don't know if this counts as a cliffhanger or not. Probably not. But I hope you like it! Next update should be within the next couple of days!

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