Chapter 27

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When they get to the hospital, JJ ran in and asked where she was. "She is in the ICU. Room 4B. May I get what relation you are to her?" the desk lady asked.

"I'm her wife." JJ said. She went to the elevator and went to the 4th floor. The elevator ride felt like an eternity to JJ. After impatiently waiting, the doors finally opened, and she fast walked to Emily's room. Before opening the door, she took a deep breath to prepare herself for what she is about to see. When she walked in, Emily was hooked up to a ventilator, she had an IV in her arm, she had a pulse thing connected to her, and she had a thing on her finger to keep an eye on her oxygen levels. Emily herself, she had a ton of bruises, a cast on her right arm, and a wrap on her ankle.

"Are you her friend?" she heard behind her.

"I'm actually her wife." JJ said, turning around.

"Okay. Well I guess I can tell you this. She was raped multiple times, and we had to give her three stitches, she did have some internal bleeding, but we were able to stop that. She has a few fractured ribs, a broken arm, a sprained ankle, a fractured nose, very badly bruised fingers, and I think you could tell that she took quite a few beatings. She did also lose quite a bit of blood when she was raped, so between that and the internal bleeding, we had to give her a blood transfusion. We will need to keep her here for a few days so that way if she needs assistance right away, we can be there. If she is doing well enough afterwards, then she may go home." the doctor informed JJ.

JJ walked over to Emily and gently took her hand in hers. "My goodness Emily, what has he done?" JJ said even though she knew what he had done. Well, what they have done. Eventually Emily woke up, and JJ was crying into their hands.

"Jayje?" Emily said weakly. JJ looked up and smiled. JJ gently gave her a kiss before staring deeply into her eyes.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." JJ said.

"I think I can imagine." Emily said. JJ gave her some water to drink before starting up a conversation. But, about an hour later, JJ felt something wet between her legs. She looked down very confused and saw blood.

"Oh my god!" she shouted, completely freaking out.

"What?" Emily asked.

"I'm bleeding." JJ said. Emily quickly hit the nurse button, and a nurse rushed in.

"Can you take her to get checked out? She's pregnant, but she is bleeding down there." Emily said. The nurse nodded and took JJ away. They went down to the maternity floor and got JJ in a room. They did an ultrasound, but they didn't hear a heartbeat or see the baby.

"I'm so sorry." the nurse said. The amount of heartbreak that JJ felt was incredibly large. Even though it was a kid of someone she didn't even know, she still loved the baby.

JJ got her phone out and called Paget. "Hello?" Paget answered.

"I need you!" JJ cried.

"Woah, woah, woah. JJ, are you okay?" Paget asked.

"No! Please, I need you! I'm at the hospital in room 319. And bring me some new clothes." JJ said and hung up. As she waited for Paget, she kept looking down at her stomach and cried. She wondered what she did wrong. But deep down she knew why it had happened. She just wanted to block out why it happened.

Minutes later, she heard the door open and a whisper of her name. "Yeah, I'm here." JJ said. The door closed, and walking out from behind the curtain is Paget with new clothes.

"Hey. I got here as fast as I could. What-" Paget couldn't finish her sentence because JJ got up quickly to give her a hug and started to cry on her shoulder. Paget set the clothes down and hugged her back. She didn't know what to say, so she kept rubbing her back and saying that it's okay in attempt to calm her down. After about five minutes, she finally calmed down enough to talk.

"So, are you going to tell me why you called me?" Paget asked.

"Well, Emily is upstairs, but I called you because I just needed someone here right now as I go through the loss of a child." JJ said.

"Wait, you miscarried?" Paget asked. JJ nodded her head. "Oh my gosh, JJ, I'm so sorry." Paget said and gave her another hug.

"I never knew my heart could hurt so badly. This on top of Emily, it's just too much." JJ said.

"Trust me. I know what you are going through. Sometime last year when you still hated me, I miscarried what would have been my second child. The only people I had were Ian and Declan. No one else cared about me. So trust me when I say that I understand what you are going through." Paget said.

"How come you never said anything about that?" JJ asked.

"I wasn't very liked." Paget said. "Though I think Emily has us beat for when she was 15."

"What do you mean by that?" JJ asked.

"She hasn't told you, has she?" Paget asked. JJ shook her head 'no'. "Ask her about it. It's not my place to tell."

"Okay. Well we should get back up to Emily's room." JJ said and wiped her tears off her face. Paget agreed, and so after she changed into the new clothes, they left the room and went to the elevator. When they got to Paget's room, she was awake and talking.

"Paget?" Emily asked.

"Yep. JJ needed me, so that's why I am here." Paget said.

"Oh. What happened?" she asked.

"I lost the baby." JJ said, almost starting to cry again but held back the tears.

"Oh my gosh babe, I'm so sorry!" Emily said.

"Don't be. Even though I just found out, I need to come to terms with it or else it will effect my job and everything else." JJ said.

"Okay. If you ever need me, talk to me. Don't keep it bottled up." Emily said.

"Well enough about me. Lets talk about you. How do you feel?" JJ asked.

"Broken. Quite literally and figuratively." Emily said.

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You don't deserve it." JJ said.

"I had someone call your work and tell them what happened." Paget said.

"Oh thank you so much." Emily told her.

"No problem." Paget said. "Look, I should get going. It was good seeing you. I'm so glad you are okay." Paget said, giving her a hug. Once she left, JJ sat next to her and held her hand.

"Paget told me that you have a secret. What happened when you were 15?" JJ asked. Emily tensed up as she mentioned that age. "You can tell me. Please. I want to know." JJ begged.

"Fine. When I was 14, I was raped by my best friend. I ended up getting pregnant at 15, and so I got an abortion. To this day, I wonder what my baby would have looked like. I have a feeling itbwas a girl. No one really knows this, but I made a little grave for her, although it doesn't have a name because I just can't bring myself to name her. But sometimes I wish I would have kept it. But I was also doing what was best for me." Emily said.

"Honestly, I am at loss for words. Gosh, Emily, why didn't you tell me sooner?" JJ asked.

"I've never really told anyone except Paget and Ian." Emily responded.

"If you were to keep her, what would have named her?" JJ asked.

"I told you. I can't name her." Emily said.

"But if you do, you may not feel less depressed. How about we do it together? I name mine, and you name yours?"

"I guess. You go first." Emily said.

"Okay. I feel like it was boy, so Donovan Cole Jareau." JJ answered.

"That was very quick." Emily said.

"I was going to name Henry that but decided not to. Now it's your turn." JJ said. Emily thought for a few minutes before thinking of a name.

"Darcy Anne Prentiss."


Hey guys! This is kind of a sucky chapter, but I hope you guys like this!

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