Chapter 31

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Once Emily and JJ got back from their honeymoon, JJ got a call saying that they had a case. "I'm sorry boys. I have to get going." she said and said goodbye to them once again.

"How about we make some dinner?" Emily asked the boys once JJ left. The boys were happy because food was mentioned, but they were still sad because their mom left once again.

"Can you teach us how to make homemade pizza?" Henry asked.

"Of course! Lets see if we have all of tube ingredients." Emily said and walked to the kitchen. Once she saw that they had everything they needed, she got all of them out and began teaching them. She decided to make a margherita pizza and little veggie pizzas. Obviously she did all of the cutting and making the pizza sauce from scratch, but the boys helped assemble the pizzas. They even helped make the dogs their food.

"So how was it with Uncle Derek?" Emily asked.

"It was good. He had to go on a couple of cases, but it was all good. Savannah took care of us when he was gone." Henry said.

"That's good. What did you guys do?" Emily asked.

"We went to the park, I asked Savannah if she could teach me how to knit, and so she did. She also showed me how to sew but didn't let me actually sew since she didn't want me to hurt myself. Savannah took me and Michael to tour the White House which was really cool. Uncle Derek taught us some basic fight moves. We took a weekend to go to Cedar Point in Ohio, which we should go to again sometime. Uncle Spencer read us a few books before bed. Garcia played Fortnight with me and also played a game with Michael. Then a couple nights ago, we played Apples to Apples with the entire team." Henry answered.

"Wow. Sounds like a fun time." Emily said.

"It was. Can we go back to Cedar Point sometime?" Michael asked.

"We'll see. Tomorrow I go back to work, so you guys can either go to work with me, or you can stay with Savannah until I get back." Emily told them.

"We will go to work with you." Henry said after quietly talking with Michael.

"Really? I thought you'd choose to go to Savannah's." Emily said.

"We miss you. Plus we want to see a real Gordon Ramsay restaurant." Henry said.

"Well okay then. I work at 4, so you guys can plan on what you can do. I believe there is Wi-Fi there, so you can bring the iPad if you wish." Emily told them. They finished up their food before cleaning up. Henry and Michael put away the leftovers and handed Emily the dirty dishes. Once all of the dishes were gathered, Emily washed them as the boys dried them and put them where they are supposed to be.

The next day, Henry and Michael got around what they would need for when they go to work with Emily before they ate breakfast. They really didn't do much for the day. They mainly just played fetch with the dogs and taught them new tricks. At around 2:30, they left the house so Emily could get to work on time. "Now remember. If anything happens to one of you, hit the home button on the iPad three times, and it will alert me and your mother. If you don't have access to it, then shout the code word, and your watch will alert me and your mother. Now what's the code word?" Emily asked.

"Blackbird." they answered in unison.

"Good." Emily said. The rest of the drive was pretty quiet except the radio playing. When they got to the restaurant, she sat the boys at a table that was rarely sat at, and she got to work. After a few hours, the boys order a little something to eat because they were getting hungry, and Emily gave them money so they could eat. About another hour later, Emily walks out to their table and sits down with them.

"How is it going?" she asked.

"Eh. We've been playing games the entire time. We also ate, and our waitress is nice. She keeps our drinks filled." Henry said. They talked about random things for the remainder of her break. Half an hour later, Henry had to go to the bathroom, but as he was walking, he saw Gordon Ramsay himself also going to the bathroom. He was so starstruck that he almost forgot where he was going. Then he remembered, so he rushed to the bathroom and did what he had to do. While he was washing his hands, Gordon walks out and starts washing his hands next to him.

"Hello Mr. Ramsay." Henry said.

"Hello mate! What's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Henry. My step mom and I are huge fans of you! She actually works here." he said as he grabbed a couple paper towels.

"Really? Maybe I know her. What's her name?" Gordon asked.

"Emily Prentiss. She's the executive chef here."

"Oh. Well it just so happens that I do know her. So are you eating here?" he asked.

"Actually Emily is working, so she brought me and my brother here because our mom is on a case. She's an FBI agent. She won't be back for another day or two, and she can't find a babysitter for us." Henry said.

"Huh. Well it was nice meeting you Henry." Gordon said.

"You too." Henry said, and they both walked out of the bathroom. Henry walked back to the table, telling Michael who he just saw as Gordon made his way back into the kitchen. He found Emily and walked up to her.

"Mrs. Prentiss, may I have a word with you?" he asked. She looked at him with a surprised look because Gordon Ramsay himself was standing in front of her, but then she remembered his question and answered with a 'yes'. He lead her over to a corner that no one could hear them. "So I just met your step son in the loo. You brought your kids here?" he asked.

"I'm sorry sir. I had to. Their mother works for the FBI and is on a case right now, and I couldn't find a babysitter for them. It was my only option. I'm sorry. It won't happen again, sir." Emily said.

"I'm not mad. Now. My family and I will be in Washington D.C. for the remainder of Summer, so if you ever need a babysitter, just call me, and we will watch them for you if you are ever in a situation like this again. If you would like, we could take them for the rest of your shift, and we could bring them back here when you are done." Gordon said. Emily was shocked at what he said.

"You don't have to do that." she said.

"I know, but you and your wife both have jobs that will keep you away from the kids, and things will be hard."

"I can't-"

"It would just be for the summer." he said. Emily gave it a little thought before agreeing to it.

"I have to say this. My wife is an FBI agent. If anything happens to her kids, then she will find out who did what and beat the crap out of them once she finds them. Now I'm not saying that you will let anything happen to them, but in case something does, she has her ways of finding out." Emily told him. He nodded and walked away to get the boys as Emily returned to work.


Hey! This one is kind of a bad chapter, but it's whatever. I hope you like it!

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