Chapter 30

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JJ and Emily were now headed to Paris, a city JJ had always wanted to go to. "Are you excited?" Emily asked her wife.

"Yes. I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower! That's the main thing I want to see. I also can't wait to just tour the city." JJ answered.

"How about, when we get there, we tour a little bit of the city, and at night, we go to the Eiffel Tower and look at the moon and watch over the city?" Emily asked.

"That sounds like a perfect idea." JJ said. That is exactly what they did. They took multiple pictures, as they promised the team and Paget.

"It's so beautiful at night." JJ said, looking out into the city. They were standing on the Eiffel Tower looking at the city.

"It is. But not as beautiful as you. You know, as we are standing here, admiring the city, it makes me think that I get the privilege to admire the most beautiful thing on this planet everyday. No one else gets that privilege but me." Emily said. JJ could feel herself blushing, and she, all of sudden, got shy.

"Thanks. But, you would be the most beautiful thing on the Earth. I am far from beautiful." JJ said.

"Jennifer Jareau Prentiss, you are literally a goddess. I, on the other hand, am a potato. Anyone would be so lucky to have you, yet you chose me. I don't know why, but you did. I am the luckiest person to be alive right now." Emily said.

"I don't feel like a goddess. You know I have very low self-esteem." JJ said.

"I know. That is why I am here to boost it." Emily said. She gave her a kiss that lasted no longer than five seconds.

"Excuse me?" they heard behind them, so they turned around. "Hi. I am a photographer here for couples. I just wanted to let you know that I did take a couple of photos of you guys. You can buy them if you want. If you want one of you actually looking at the camera, then we could do that right now." a French girl said.

"Sure. We should recreate our first picture together." JJ said. Emily agreed, so that's what they did.

"Don't you normally ask for permission to take pictures?" Emily asked.

"I do, yes. But, you guys were just so cute that I couldn't resist. If you would like the pictures, you can follow me down to get them." the girl said. JJ's agent started coming out but didn't let it show. She had a bad feeling about it, but she did want the pictures.

They followed the girl down the stairs and to a nearby building. JJ heard a gun getting ready to shoot behind her, so her instincts came out and knocked the gun out of the guys hand behind them. She fought him and the girl. Emily was just too shocked to even do anything.

"Can you get into my purse and get my extra pair of handcuffs?" JJ asked Emily. Emily did so, and she handed them to JJ. "Thanks babe." JJ said and cuffed the two people.

"Just out of curiosity, did you still want the pictures?" the girl asked.

"Oh! Yeah. How much will they be?" JJ asked.

"Since you are a cop-"

"FBI agent actually."

"Okay. Since you are an FBI agent, you can have them for free. Just take the SD card out of the camera and put it into the computer. Then print off the pictures." the girl said. Emily did that as JJ finished cuffing them.

"Thank you for the pictures. I really appreciate it. Sorry about you going to jail, but you kind of tricked us into this. The police will be here any time now." JJ said.

"No problem. And it wouldn't be my first time in jail. But you guys really are the cutest couple." she said. The police arrived, and they started speaking French to JJ, but she didn't know what they were saying.

"He said 'thank you for catching Paris' most wanted criminals.'" Emily said.

"You can speak French? Tell him 'you're welcome. It's my job to catch criminals.'" JJ told Emily, and so she did. They said 'goodbye' and went back to their hotel.

"I moved around a lot. I can speak 6 languages fluently not including English." Emily told her.

"Oh. Well, you are really hot when you speak French." JJ said, getting really close to her.

"You are really hot when you fight." Emily said in French. She closed the gap between them, and they started making out. But, Emily stopped and pulled away. "I need to take a bath." Emily said, walking away. Once again, JJ was left sexually frustrated. After Emily was in the bathroom for about 15 minutes, JJ decided to pay her a visit. When she walked in, she saw Emily and a bunch of bubbles.

"Well hi." Emily said.

"Hi. Fancy seeing you here. Do you come here often?" JJ asked, sitting on the edge of the tub.

"Unfortunately no." Emily replied. That caused JJ to giggle. "You have a really cute giggle." Emily said.

"Oh do I?" JJ asked in a flirtatious tone.

"Yes you do." Emily said. JJ started playing with her ring before "accidentally" dropping it in the water.

"Oops. I dropped my ring." JJ said with a smirk. She put her hand in the water to search for it, and when she found it, she put her other hand in and grabbed it. She kept "searching" for it with the other hand.

"Isn't that it in your hand?" Emily asked with a smirk.

"I am searching for something else." JJ said. She spread Emily's legs apart and spent a couple more seconds "searching" before she found it. "Ope. Looks like I found it." she said. She started rubbing Emily causing her to tilt her head back a little bit and let out a soft moan. Emily looked at JJ with lust, so JJ moved forward and kissed her while still fingering her. Emily let out little moans before JJ's phone went off. JJ didn't budge to get it. She just kept kissing Emily. She sighed after it went off for a second time.

"It's probably Hotch wondering how everything is going." JJ said.

"If it is, can I shoot him?" Emily asked, completely frustrated.

"No Emily. It's your turn to be left sexually frustrated." JJ said and left to answer her phone. Emily groaned and got out.

"So?" Emily asked.

"I was right. Hotch wanted to know how things were going." JJ said.

"Did you tell him that things were great and that you were busy?" Emily asked.

"I did tell him that things were great. But I didn't tell him I was busy." JJ said. Just as she said that, her phone rings again. "It's Morgan." she said and answered. Emily wasn't having it, so she started to kiss JJ's neck. It was hard for JJ to concentrate on the conversation because Emily kept kissing her sweet spot. After a little bit, Morgan started figuring it out.

"Are you really in the middle of doing it right now?" he asked in an amused voice.

"Nope. Just getting started." JJ answered.

"Okay. Well, I will leave you guys alone. Bye." he said.

"Bye." JJ replied and hung up. After she hung up, she kissed Emily greedily and pushed her onto the bed. After a few rounds, they decided to get some sleep.


Hey guys! If you could, go check out the other story I published called Shine A Light. It's a story that I found online and loved it so much that I asked the original author if I could use it and turn it into a Jennifer Jareau AU story. Obviously she was okay with it, so I hope you check it out! She is an awesome author! I hope you like this chapter!

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