Chapter 8

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"You've reach SSA Jeniffer Jareau. Please leave a voicemail. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now." All of the team members have tried contacting JJ, but none of them can get ahold of her.

"I need you to track the GPS on her phone." Hotch ordered Garcia. She immediately followed orders and began tracking. It only took her a couple of minutes to find her phone. She ran out of her office and found the team

"Her last ping was in a small town in California called Idyllwild."

"Okay. We are going to Idyllwild. Morgan, Rossi, and Garcia, I want you two to go to Emily Prentiss' house to check on her, Garcia, I want you to look at security cameras at the grocery store they went to and see if you can get when JJ was kidnapped. I want every detail you can get. Morgan and Rossi, go to the grocery store and talk to any of the workers that might have saw anything. Everyone else, you are going with me to Idyllwild. Wheels up in 10." Hotch ordered. Everyone rushed to get their stuff and got onto the plane. The entire way there, Garcia talked to Emily so that way she could stay calm and stop freaking out. It was honestly helping the both of them.

Once the plane landed, everyone loaded up in a black SUV and went their separate ways. It took about an hour for the trio of agents to get to Pomona. They used a GPS to find Emily's house since they had no idea where they were going. When they finally arrived, their jaws dropped.

"Damn. Too bad JJ didn't marry Emily." Morgan said. Garcia and Rossi just kind of chuckled at what Morgan said. Derek parked the car, and the three of them went to the front door and knocked.

"Oh thank God you're here." Emily said after she answered the door. She let them in, and they began asking their questions.

"So which grocery store did you go to?" Rossi asked.

"The one that's about five miles from here. I forget the name of it, but you go out the drive way and turn left. It's a straight shot from there. It's on the right. I think it may honestly just be Walmart. I don't remember. I'm sorry." she answered.

"That's okay. I will find it." Derek said. Him and Rossi left, so it was just Emily and Garcia.

"Do you mind if I go to a separate room so I can do my job? I don't mean to sound rude, I just need to set up." Garcia said.

"Oh no, you're fine! If you want, you can go to the guest bedroom. It's on this floor, through that hallway, third door to the right." Emily explained. Garcia thanked her and followed her directions. When she walked in, her mouth dropped.

She couldn't believe that this was the guest bedroom

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She couldn't believe that this was the guest bedroom. She couldn't imagine what regular rooms look like.

After looking around for what felt like forever, Garcia set up all her equipment and began searching. Out of all the security cameras, only one shows everything she needed. She began running facial recognition, and results can back fairly more quickly than what it normally takes. She called Hotch and told him all of the information. "So I ran facial recognition, and the people who took her is Ian Doyle and Sven Brigham. Their license plate is a D.C. license plate with the number 'HES 1637'. It's registered Will. By the looks of it on camera, they put a cloth around her mouth and nose which caused her to pass out. I see people looking at them, but they didn't do anything about it. I can ID them because I can't see enough of their face." Garcia informed him.

"Thanks Garcia. I need you to check all footage from highways and see if you can see his car." Hotch ordered.

"Okay. I will get back with you if I find anything." Garcia said and hung up.

"I thought you might want something to drink." Emily said, bringing in a pitcher of water.

"Thank you Emily. You're too kind." Garcia said.

"I also brought my famous strawberry cookies." she said and held out the plate of cookies.

"Thank you so much." Garcia grabbed on and instantly fell in love with them as she took the first bite. She grabbed another one, handed it to Emily, and took the entire plate. Emily laughed and walked out. As Garcia was munching on cookies, she was seeing if any of the traffic cameras caught Will's car. She found it on the highway nearest to Idyllwild. So she called Hotch and informed him. But soon, Garcia was getting a call from JJ's house phone. She thought it was a little weird but answered it.


"Garcia please help us! There's random people in the house, and I don't know who they are. But they're looking for me and Michael." she heard Henry whisper.

"Where are you guys at?" she asked getting really worried.

"In mom and dads closet. We- no! Leave us alone!" she heard him scream before the phone was hung up.

"Oh God!" she shouted and immediately called Hotch.

Meanwhile, with Derek and Rossi, they were interviewing a witness. "So you didn't have any suspicion as to why they were carrying a body out the door?" Derek asked.

"No. Around here if someone isn't feeling well, two people carry them out like that so they don't have to walk and so that they could rest." he answered. They thanked him for his time and left.

"There's something he wasn't telling us." Rossi said.

"Yeah. Lets get back to Emily's house and see what Garcia found." Morgan said. They got into the car and drove back to Emily's, but they weren't expecting both Emily and Garcia freaking out.

"What's going on?" Rossi asked.

"I got a call from Henry saying there were people in their house, and when the phone was hung up, I hacked into their security system. Chad Saunders and some guy named Harrison Walker were there. They kidnapped Henry and Michael." Garcia explained.


Here is part 2 of 4! I will be immediately working on part 3 after this, so expect it up at some point today. I hope you like it!

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