Chapter 25

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Hey! Before I begin, I need your opinion. Should I wait until June 23, or do I just set a chapter to do the wedding? Thanks in advance! Now onto the chapter.

"The unsub must be confident in what they are doing. Look at how the bodies are displayed to the public. That would have to take some time to do." Rossi said.

"Rossi and Morgan, I want you guys to go to the crime scene and see if you can find any new evidence. Reid, I want you to talk with the coroner to see if you can find anything else out about the murders. JJ, I want you to talk with the families and see if you can make any ties between them." Hotch said. 20 minutes later they arrive in Wyoming. JJ sent at text to Emily asking how the boys were, but she didn't respond. She was kind of worried, but she figured that she just fell asleep.

"No! Stop!" Emily shouted. 

"I'm afraid I can't do that." the man said. Emily closed her eyes so she didn't have to look at him anymore, but that didn't last long when he started to rape her. "You like that? Huh! You fucking dyke. People like you shouldn't exist." he said. After about an hour, he was finally done. Emily had no tears left to shed. "I will be back my love." he said and kissed her. She tried to turn her head, but he held onto it. She couldn't slap him because she was tied to the bed.

He did return, but he wasn't alone. He had a girl with him. "Man. You were right about her. Oh the things I will do to her." the girl said. She took off her clothes and began. She was done within half an hour, but another half hour went to the guy. Emily felt disgusting.

"Say. You're engaged to the smoking hot blonde FBI agent aren't you?" the girl asked. Emily didn't answer. "I expect you to answer me when I talk to you." she said and slapped her. Emily looked up and nodded. "Hm. Well I guess we are going to have to change that." she said and smiled evilly. The guy untied Emily and dragged her to the basement door by her hair. Once the door was opened, he picked her up to make her stand and pushed her down the stairs. Her entire body hurt, but her kidnappers didn't care about that. Once they reached the bottom of the steps, they picked her up and put chains on her wrists. They raised her up to where her toes were barely touching the ground.

"This is going to be fun." the guy said with a smirk. He threw a punch to her stomach and caused her to groan. He smiled and just started to beat her. After being his punching bag for a few minutes, the guy dumped a bucket of water on her and then tazed her. Just when she thought it was over, they lowered her and water boarded her.

Three days later, the team got back from a brutal case. When JJ got home, no one was there. Not even the dogs. She thought it was weird, but she thought that maybe they just went on a walk. She decided that she shouldn't think much of it so that way she could get some sleep. She woke up four hours later, and they still weren't home. She knew right then and there that something was wrong. She called Hotch telling him what was going on. The team went back to the BAU and got to work. "JJ, I want you to put out Amber Alerts for Henry, Michael, and Emily and put up Missing Dog signs for Mirabella and Athena. Garcia, I need you to look at security cameras near JJ's house and see if you can find anything. Everyone else, we are going to the house to see if anything is out of the ordinary." Hotch ordered.

"Well wouldn't it be a shame if these two little dogs got sold." the guy said. He pet Athena, but she started growling at him. Same with Mirabella. "Take a picture of them and post them on the internet." he ordered the girl. She did as told, and within 10 minutes, they were sold.

"Do you want me to die the boys' hair and post them on the site as well?" the girl asked. The guy nodded, and so she went to do that. Emily tried breaking free of her chains, but the guy kicked her in the ribs. He taped her mouth, so her screams were muffled.

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