Chapter 24

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"So I was thinking that the color scheme could be teal and coral. Then as for the wedding itself, we could have it in a church or maybe even at the BAU. I don't know. I'm still thinking about that part. But as for the reception, we could go with the rustic theme and have it in a barn. And-"

"JJ. We just got engaged yesterday." Emily said to JJ, quite amused at the fact she already has so much planned already.

"I know. I'm just really excited to get married to my best friend. I wasn't even this excited when I got engaged to Will. I mean I was excited, but I'm even more excited now." JJ said, rambling a little bit.

"Well how about we get married at the Rossi mansion?" Emily asked.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." JJ said and wrote it down. "What date would you like to get married?"

"Um, well do you want to get married soon?" Emily asked.

"I personally do, but if you don't, then that's fine." JJ answered.

"Okay. June 23, 2018." Emily responded.

"That's in three weeks." JJ stated.

"I know." Emily said and smiled. JJ reciprocated the smile and wrote the date down.

"Well now we really have to start planning it." JJ said.

"Yep. But first, lets wake the boys up and get some breakfast." Emily said and kissed JJ. She nodded and got up off the bed. They went to the boys' rooms and woke them up.

"What is for breakfast?" Henry asked.

"We were actually thinking about just going out for breakfast." Emily said.

"Where?" Michael asked eagerly.

"Is Bob Evans okay?" JJ asked the boys. They both nodded, and so they made sure the dogs' food and water bowls were filled before leaving. After about 10 minutes of driving, they get to Bob Evans and go inside.

"Hi. How many for you?" the hostess asked.

"4." Emily answered.

"Okay. Follow me." the girl said. They followed her to a booth and sat down. After a few minutes of looking at the menu, the waitress walks out to their table.

"Good morning. My name is Kylie, and I will be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Kylie asked.

"I will have chocolate milk." Henry said.

"Me too." Michael said.

"Both of us will get coffee and a glass of water." JJ said. Kylie nodded and went off to get their drinks. After about five minutes, she returned with their drinks.

"Okay. Are you guys ready to order, or do you still need a few minutes?" she asked.

"I think we're ready." Emily said. Kylie nodded and got out her pad of paper and a pen.

"Those two will get the Lil Farmers breakfast. One with scrambled eggs the other with over easy eggs. Both of them with bacon. I will get the Farmer's Choice with French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. And can you make sure the hashbrowns are cooked extra crispy please?" JJ asked. Kylie nodded and wrote it down.

"And for you?" she asked, looking at Emily.

"I will get the Buckeye Farmer's Choice with scrambled eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. Can I also have my hashbrowns cooked extra crispy please?" Emily asked. Kylie nodded and took their menu's.

"So boys. Emily and I have something we need to tell you." JJ said. They looked at them, wondering what needs to be said.

"Your mom and I, we're getting married next month." Emily said, taking JJ's hand into hers.

"Really?!" they both asked excitedly. JJ and Emily nodded. The boys were ecstatic to say the least.

After about 20 minutes of talking about various things, their food finally came out. "Finally. I'm starving." JJ said after Kylie walked away. They all dove into their food, and after Emily and the boys were done eating, JJ was still hungry.

"Are you guys done with your plates?" Kylie asked. They all nodded, and just before she left, JJ stopped her to order more food.

"Can I get two slices of French toast and a piece of apple pie?" JJ asked.

"Sure thing." Kylie said and walked away. Emily and the boys gave her a weird look.

"What?" she asked.

"You're already starting your weird cravings?" Emily asked.

"That's not a weird craving. I just like it, and it sounds good." JJ said. A few minutes later, her food was brought out along with the check. As Emily was looking over it, JJ was combining the pie and French toast to make a sandwich. As Emily thought it was a little weird, she decided to not say anything because she didn't feel like getting her head bitten off.

After JJ was done eating, they left a tip before paying for the food. When they got to the car, JJ asked Henry a special question. "So Henry, how would you feel about being the ring bearer?"

"I would be honored, mom." he said with a smile.

"Michael, how would you like to be the one in charge of hold my train while I walk down the aisle?" JJ asked.

"There's going to be a train?!" Michael asked excitedly.

"Not like a real train. It's the long part of a dress that needs to be picked up." JJ explained.

"Oh. Yeah I can do that." he said. JJ smiled and sent out a group message telling the team to meet them at their house. Once they got there, Derek was already standing at the doorway.

"This better be important. I'm missing The Vampire Diaries for this." he said.

"I did not expect to hear come out of your mouth." Emily said.

"What? I can appreciate a good show." he said. "So what's this about?" he asked.

"You will find out once everyone gets here." JJ said. They walked in and were greeted by Mirabella and Athena. "Well aren't you guys just full of energy." JJ said in a slight baby voice. Emily thought it was the cutest thing.

The team got there about 10 minutes later, and so it was time to tell them. "So Emily and I will be getting married June 23." JJ said.

"Ah! I'm so happy for you guys!" Garcia shouted. "I can't wait for you guys to get married! Oh my gosh let me see the ring." Garcia said, and so JJ held out her hand so she could see it. "It's so pretty! My gosh Emily, that must have cost a fortune."

"I will never tell how much it cost." Emily said.

"So when did you guys get engaged?" Reid asked.

"Yesterday." JJ replied. "Which, Garcia, will you be my maid of honor?" JJ asked.

"I would love to be the maid of honor." Garcia replied. Rossi was walking JJ down the aisle, Hotch was walking Emily down the aisle, Jack was an usher, Derek and Spencer were kind of the "managers" of the wedding meaning they were in charge of making sure everything was set up properly, getting the girls to the right rooms, so basically they were the bosses of everyone. Emily Facetimed Paget and asked her to be her maid of honor. Of course she said yes. Declan was going to be an usher along with Jack. JJ's bridesmaids besides Garcia were Elle, Kate, and Ashley. Emily's bridesmaids besides Paget were Katrina, Liz, and Francesca. The only thing they needed was a flower girl, which they were thinking about Liz's daughter Daisy.

After celebrating their engagement for a little bit, the team left. But not long after, JJ gets a call. After she hangs up, she gives Emily that look. "You have a case don't you?" Emily asked. JJ nodded her head and grabbed her bag that she always keeps packed.

"Bye babe. I love you." JJ said.

"Bye Princess. I love you most." Emily said and give her a kiss. After JJ leaves, Emily decides that she should probably get her car from the parking lot of the coffee shop before she gets a ticket. She gets the neighbor that they trust to watch boys before she leaves. But what the two of them don't know is that that is the last time they will see each other for awhile.


Hey guys! I'm getting more and more inspiration for this story, so I hope you like it!

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