Chapter 7

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This chapter will be really short, but it's leading up to the next few chapters. Hope you like it! (p.s. Please don't hate me the next couple of chapters!)

The next day for Emily and JJ was awkward. They made small talk every once and a while. It was killing both of them not talking to each other all the time, but they didn't really know what to say. "I'm going to the grocery store. Would you like to go with me?" Emily asked JJ.

"Sure." is all JJ said. She got around, and three minutes later, the two of them were on their way. There was awkward silence between them, and only the radio was quietly playing in the background. Emily and JJ went to turn up the radio at the same time, and obviously their hands touched each other. Neither of them were quick to move their hand away until Emily put hers back onto the wheel. Emily was thankful that they soon got to the store because she honestly didn't know how much more of the silence she could handle.

"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have started to lean in, and-"

"No it was my fault. Now things are awkward between us, and I don't like it." JJ said, cutting Emily off.

"Oh. I thought it was me." Emily admitted.

"Nope. But I hope we can start talking again because I don't like small talk." JJ said.

"I don't either. So we good?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. We're good." JJ said and gave her a hug. They got out of the car and went into the store. "I am going to get me some chocolate and pamprin because these cramps are starting to kill me." JJ said.

"Alright lets meet at the entrance in 20 minutes." Emily told her. JJ nodded and went to the feminine hygiene section. It took her about five minutes to find the pamprin, and she decided to get some more tampons while she was in that aisle. Emily went to the grocery section and got some things for lunch and dinner. After she was done, she went to the candy section and got some kit kats. After she checked out, she went to the entrance and waited for JJ. She waited 15 minutes before she started getting worried. She called her, but all she got was her voicemail. She called about 20 more times, before she called Garcia.

"Hello?" Garcia answered.

"JJ is missing. I've called her about 20 times, and she hasn't answered. We agreed to meet at the entrance of the grocery store after 20 minutes, and after shopping for exactly 20, I checked out and went to the entrance. I waited for 15 minutes, but she never showed up, so I called and she didn't answer." Emily said, completely freaking out while walking out to her car.

"Wait, what?" Garcia asked.

"I think JJ was kidnapped." Emily told her.


Hey! This is where I'm going to stop it. I will try and update tonight, but I can't guarantee that. I hope you like it!

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