Chapter 13

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Dear Jayje,

My oh my did I love seeing you in my sweater. You look better in it than I ever did, so you can keep it. I know that seeing Paget and Ian is hard for you especially since me and Paget are basically the same person. Literally. But, just think of all the things that we have shared even before you went undercover. I'm so sorry about your dreams. If it makes you feel any better, I have dreams about us and our future. Until the part where the entire human race is wiped out from a zombie robot invasion. Or the part where there are giant spiders and snakes, and we are their slaves. Or even the part where you turn into Gordon Ramsay and start beating me with a whisk. But I dream about our future, and it's so lovely.

Please don't be mad at Paget for doing this. If anything, you should be mad at me because I am the who came up with this. She just deserves a second chance at life. I hope Ian and Declan are adjusting well especially Declan. He has never really heard about what Paget done. He just knew that she didn't want him. I swear if she hurts Ian or Declan.......

Anyways, prison life is not as bad as I thought it would be. It's not great, but it's not awful. It's worse not being able to see you and hear your voice or cuddle. The best part of my day is cooking. I've been learning new recipes from other inmates, and I've also been sharing recipes with them too! They are honestly so kind once you get to know them. They may be intimidating, but some of them are actually sweethearts. I've actually made some new friends. Their names are Katrina, Liz, Rafael, and Francesca. Katrina is in for selling a lot of illegal drugs. I've learned that she has a little bit of a temper, but if you offer some chocolate, then she calms down. But she is a real sweetheart. She has a four year old son, and she said that once she gets out, she's going to take him to Disney because with all of the money she put aside for him, she finally has enough to take him. I guess she got into drug dealing because her son has leukemia, and with it's progression, he only has until he is six. So she got into something she knew would make a lot of money so she could pay for his doctor bills and stuff. She also set some aside for Disney. She gets out in a week, and his only goal is to go to Disney. So she is going to take him before he leaves the earth.

Liz is in for the same thing as Katrina. But her story is somewhat less depressing. She got into selling drugs because she didn't want her grandparents house to foreclose. So she got into something that makes a lot of money and gave them what she made. Obviously she got caught, so her grandparents decided that they would just let their house foreclose. They put all of money towards relay for life. Regardless of what she did, she is one of the sweetest girls I know around here. She's obviously not as sweet as you ;) But she is a tough cookie to crack because all the walls she built around herself to keep her emotions in.

Rafael is in for shooting three officers. He didn't kill the thankfully, but he almost did. He's doing a lot of time for that as you know, but he's actually not upset about it. He knew what he did was wrong and knows he deserves his punishment. He is just a really honest guy who I know will tell me if I look okay or not. But he likes to keep to himself a lot, and i know to look out for those people because I never know what they will do.

Francesca is in for driving under the influence of alcohol and meth. She's definitely one who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's the one in the friend group who tells others off if they are bugging us. It's kind of nice to have someone to do that for me because I'm not really one to do that. 

We're an odd group of friends, but our personalities fit each others. I'm honestly surprised that I actually mademoiselles friends here.

I am staying as safe as I possibly can. There's a lot of sketchy people here. Obviously since it's a prison. But I just wanted to let you know that I am safe so far. It's okay if yours was short. I know you don't really do these kinds of things. But I love that you are doing it just for me. I love you so much. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you. I want you to listen to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. It describes my feelings somewhat. I have a whole list of songs that describe my feelings, but I will save them for future letters. I hope things are starting to get better for you. Remember that I love you and will never stop loving you. And in response to you, I love you most Jayje<3


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