Chapter 32

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The rest of summer, which was a month and a half, have been busy for JJ and Emily. JJ was always on cases with maybe a day here and there that she had off and had time to spend with her family. Emily was always working but had Sundays off. The boys missed their moms very much, but they didn't mind spending time with Gordon Ramsay's family. In fact, JJ and Emily hired Tilly to be their nanny. Of course with her parents permission.

Things between Emily and JJ weren't so great, though. When they were both home, they were bickering with each other. The boys stayed in their rooms or just hung out in Henry's room because they hated when their moms fought. "I don't see what the big deal is!" JJ said. Well, more like shouted.

"You don't see it? Well I will tell you what the big deal is. I have to notify them a MONTH in advance if I am taking time off! Even then, I am not guarentteed the time I request off to not work. Sometimes if they need someone, they won't give me what I request off, off. I can't just tell them TWO DAYS before I leave that I won't be in for because I am in a different state having fun with my family while fighting with my wife. I will get FIRED if I do that." Emily explained.

"I'm allowed to do it." JJ said.

"Yeah, well the culinary industry is a little different. You are guarentteed almost every weekend off. Plus you can just tell Hotch that you need some personal time, and he will allow you to take it. I can't just do that, JJ." Emily said.

"Well sorry for trying to make plans to spend some time together as a family. I won't do it again." JJ said and walked away. Emily hated fighting with JJ and vice versa. But since they didn't see each other as often as they once did, it was hard for them to agree on something. Especially since they have polar opposite jobs.

Emily grabbed her car keys and walked out the door. She went into the city and went to the nearest bar. She hated drinking away her problems, but she just didn't know what else to do. "The usual I'm guessing?" Marlize asked. Emily went there pretty often.

"Yeah. Make it a triple please." Emily said.

"Tough day?"

"JJ and I got into a fight again." Emily answered.

"Tell you what. I get off in a few minutes. After I'm done, we can go to my apartment, and you can tell me what's going on." Marlize told her. Emily nodded her head and waited patiently for her drink. Once she got it, she downed it within seconds. "Must have been a pretty bad one."

"You have no idea." Emily said. Once Marlize was done, they got into Emily's car and went to her apartment.

"So what happened?" Marlize asked, sitting on the couch.

"JJ made plans to go to Cedar Point in Ohio for this weekend because the boys wanted to go back, but I told her that I can't just take off work two days in advance. I have to request days off a month in advance. She was mad at me because I told her that I couldn't go. We haven't seen each other very much the past month and a half because of our work schedules, and when we do see each other, we are fighting. I'm getting sick of it, and I can tell that the boys are too. I don't know about JJ, but hopefully she is too." Emily explained.

"Wow. Can't you find a replacement?" Marlize asked.

"I don't know. Maybe." Emily said.

"Try and see." Marlize said, and so Emily called to see ifshe could. Turns out that she can. Luckily the other executive chef wasn't busy.

"Apparently I can." Emily said after she hung up the phone.

"See? Now tell JJ that you can go on the trip." Marlize said. Emily texted JJ, and of course she was ecstatic that Emily could go.

"Thank you Marlize." Emily said and hugged her.

"No problem." Marlize said. The hug lasted longer than it should have, and when Emily pulled away, Marlize looked into her eyes. The next thing she knows, Marlize is kissing her. She hated herself for kissing back. After a very, very heated make out session, Emily stopped.

"Stop. I can't do this. I can't do this to JJ." Emily said and sat up. She gently pushed Marlize off of her and found her shirt and pants. She put them on, grabbed her things and rushed out the door. On her way back home, she started crying. What she did was awful, and JJ doesn't deserve to be cheated on.

When Emily got home, she ran inside and found JJ as quickly as she could. She ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug anyone can imagine. "I'm so sorry!" Emily cried.

"I am too. I hate fighting with you." JJ said, hugging her back.

"Not that. Well, yeah I am sorry about that, but I'm talking about something else." Emily said. JJ pulled away from the hug and looked at her with a confused look. "I kissed another woman." Emily said. JJ slowly backed away from her, but Emily stopped her. "That's all. I promise I didn't go farther. I couldn't because I felt guilty about doing it, so I stopped before anything else could happen."

"It doesn't matter Emily. You still kissed someone else while MARRIED. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?" JJ asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Remember when you cheated on me with a GUY and ended up getting pregnant?" Emily asked.

"I was drunk! And we weren't married then." JJ said.

"It doesn't matter. Ever heard the saying 'drunk words speak sober thoughts'? It works with actions too." Emily said.

"You are ridiculous." JJ said.

"Why? Because I'm right? JJ, when you told me that you were pregnant, I didn't know what to do. I was angry, but mostly I was hurt because you cheated on me. But, after giving it some thought, I realized that you were my entire world, and I didn't know what I would do without you. So, what did I do? I forgave you. How would you feel if I told you that I was pregnant?" Emily asked.

"I would probably feel hurt and would want to either murder you or the guy who got you pregnant." JJ answered.

"That was somewhat the answer I was expecting, but I will go with it. All I am saying is that I could have gone all the way with her, but I didn't. I didn't because I thought of you and didn't want to hurt you more than I already have. Just, please give me a second chance." Emily said.

"I guess." JJ said with a slight smile.

"I love you Princess." Emily said and hugged her from behind.

"I love you Queen P." JJ told Emily and gave her a kiss. "You might want to wash your lips. They taste like cherry chapstick." JJ said and walked away. After Emily did that, she walked into their bedroom, and they started to pack for their trip.


Hey! I hope you like this chapter! It was a little hard writing their fight just because I don't like when they fight.

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