Chapter 12

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JJ visited Emily everyday for two weeks, but unfortunately, time has come to where she has to go back home even though for her, home was with her boys and Emily. As she was packing her things, she came across Emily's sweater that she wore the day Emily went to prison in her pile. She slowly folded it and put it in her suitcase. Then she decided to go to Emily's room and get a couple more sweaters that smelled like her. She immediately put one of them on and finished packing her things. As she walked downstairs, she saw Paget and Ian chasing Declan around. She looked at them and wished she could have that with Emily.

Even though it's been two weeks, things haven't been easy for JJ. She may see Emily everyday, but it's not the same. She couldn't hug Emily every time she saw her or even hold her hand. It's not any easier when she sees her twin everyday that should have gone to prison. She sees Paget with Ian and is reminded that Emily can't live like that with her. Emily can't ever do anything she wants to do anymore.

JJ was about to go out the door when Declan stopped her. "I wanted to say goodbye." he said. JJ smiled and bent down and hugged him. She can't be mad at him because he didn't do anything. Neither did Ian.

"Goodbye beaners." JJ said. She was honestly going to miss him.

"Goodbye momma bear." he said. He went back to the living room, and so JJ left. Before her flight, she went to the prison and visited Emily.

"Hey princess." Emily said with a smile.

"Hey babe." JJ said with the biggest smile.

"So you leave today?"

"Yeah." JJ said, losing her smile.

"It will be okay. We will still get a letter every few days." Emily said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, but I would rather be hearing your voice." JJ said. Unfortunately, they couldn't talk for much longer because JJ had to get to her flight.

"You left a letter today right?" Emily asked.

"Yep. Your guard has it, but don't open it until I am gone." JJ answered. "I have to leave. Please stay as safe as you can. I can't lose you this soon."

"I promise I will stay safe. I love you so much Jayje."

"I love you most my love." JJ said. They touched hands through the glass and stared at each other like they always do. Before both of them started to shed a river, they got up and left. The guard handed Emily JJ's letter, but she waited until after she ate. Just as JJ boarded the plane, Emily read her letter.

"Dear my love,

This is the hardest thing that I think I have been through. It's been two weeks, but it hasn't gotten any easier especially since I see Paget everyday with Ian. I love talking to you everyday, but I just wish I could hold you, even if it's just your hand. I dream of you every night, but most of those dreams are nightmares. You always get kidnapped, and I don't get to you in time, and you die in my arms. It's a different scenario each time, but the out come is the same. After each dream I just want to hold you more and more and protect you. I remember the first time we met. You were in the hospital, and I was questioning you about what happened to you and your husband. The first time I comforted you I felt something. I pushed it aside because I didn't think anything of it. Plus I was married.

I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing you again. I know I want to visit you within the next couple of months, but it depends on if Hotch will let me. I can't wait until the next time I get to see your beautiful face and hear your angelic voice. Gosh I love you so much Emily. I'm so sorry that this letter isn't very long. I'm not really good at these things. I hope I get better. I love you<3



Hey! Short chapter, I know. But these next chapters are going to be their letters between each other. Next chapter will be Emily's letter!

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