Chapter 10

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"Okay. We need to focus on the south side of the woods. Any house you see, ask the owners to search it." Hotch told everyone. They nodded and dispersed into their search teams. Surprisingly, there were a lot of houses in the south side of the woods. But only one was the house that JJ was in.

JJ couldn't watch anymore, so she turned her head so she couldn't see what was happening. Sadly, she could still hear the hits and his cries. JJ promises that once she is freed, she will beat up this psychotic bitch. She doesn't care if she kills her. She just wants to beat her up. She's never felt so much hate for someone before.

"Hotch come here!" Derek whisper yelled. Hotch ran to him and asked him what was up. "Isn't that Will and the kids?" he asked. Hotch looked closely to where Derek was pointing to.

"It is. If he is there, then that must be where JJ is." he said. He called the team over and told them what to do. "Garcia and Reid, I want you guys to be on the right side of the house. Rossi, you and I will go through the back. Derek, you will go through the front." 

"What about me?" Emily asked.

"I can't let you go in. It's too dangerous." Hotch told her.

"I know how to fight and shoot. Please just let me go." she begged. Hotch sighed, knowing he could lose his job for letting her go in, but he let her anyways.

"Okay. You can go in with Derek, but stay close behind." he ordered. She nodded her head and followed Derek. But as soon as Will saw them coming, he started to take off running. But he wasn't as fast as Derek, so he got caught and was arrested. Henry and Michael went with Reid and Garcia so they knew they were safe. After Will was arrested, Derek left him with Reid and Garcia and went into the house with Emily. He searched and made sure every room on the first floor was clear before moving upstairs. He and Emily went separate ways because Emily just wanted to find JJ. And her sister so she can't beat her. As Emily was searching, she felt cold metal press against her head with the sound of it getting ready to shoot.

"Make a sound, and you're dead." she heard. She put her hands up, but a few seconds later she knocked the gun out of the guys hands and punched him.

"Looks like I won." she told him. She cuffed him and took him to Morgan.

"Damn Emily. You should get a job with the FBI." Derek told Emily.

"We'll see. Now lets find JJ." she said. They walked downstairs and went to the basement.

"I'm going to go first. Follow behind me." Morgan told Emily.

"Really? I thought I would follow in front of you." she said sarcastically. Morgan gave her a look. "I'm sorry. I just want to find JJ. And her kids and Declan alive." Derek continued on down the stairs and stopped as soon as he heard talking. He assumed it was Paget because she sounded exactly like Emily.

"You, my pet, are going to be mine forever." Paget said. That made Emily's blood boil.

"Why me? Why did you kidnap me and not Emily?" JJ asked.

"Why would I want her? My job is to ruin her life. Since she loves you so much, I decided to take you from her and make you mine instead of hers. She doesn't deserve you. And your kids and Will is just a bonus for me. Plus I got my kiddo back." Paget said. Emily really wanted to fight her and knock her out.

"Wait. Not just yet." Derek whispered quietly.

"YOUR kid? You didn't want him! You left him and Ian because you never wanted a kid. And leave my kids out of this. They didn't do anything to you. And Will, well, you can have him." JJ said. "And you know what? She doesn't deserve me. She deserves someone better than me. Do you want to know why? Because she deserves the world, and I am not good enough for her." JJ said. That made Emily tear up because JJ was her world, she just didn't know it. She's perfect in every way, but she doesn't believe it.

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