Chapter 16

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The team boarded the plane, and all JJ wanted to know was what happened. "Will someone please tell me what is going on?" she asked politely, but everyone just looked down.

"It may be best that you didn't know." Hotch said.

"My girlfriend is in danger, and all I want to know is what the fuck is going on. She could be dead for all I know. Now. I'm going to ask you one more time. What the hell is going on?" JJ asked in a more serious tone. Reid sighed and told her.

"There were inmates that escaped their cells and went after Emily. Last we heard she was stabbed near the heart and a few other places and was rushed to the hospital." JJ's heart stopped for a mere second before she went to the back of the plane and sat down. She didn't know what emotion she was feeling. But that's because she was trying to take in what she was just told.

The entire flight to California, JJ sat in her corner of the plane, not talking to anyone. All she did was cry off and on. She kept looking at a picture she took with Emily one night when she was let out of the hospital, which just happened to be the only picture they've taken together.

 She kept looking at a picture she took with Emily one night when she was let out of the hospital, which just happened to be the only picture they've taken together

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This picture made her remember the night they took it. It was the only way she could feel like she was with her.

"Oh my gosh Emily! I can't believe you!" JJ shouted while laughing. Emily kept tickling JJ while they were taking a walk.

"Come on. You know I have to tickle you when I know you're ticklish." Emily said. As she kept on tickling her, JJ stumbled, and Emily caught her.

"Thanks." JJ said. They kept on walking talking about anything and everything. Then they came across a photographer who was taking pictures of couples that went by.

"Would you guys like your picture taken?" the guy asked.

"Sure!" Emily said. They posed and smiled until the picture was taken.

"Can you send that to me?" JJ asked.

"Sure! Just give me your number and I will send it to you." he said, and so that's what she did.

"Are you ready JJ?" she heard. She snapped out of her world and looked up.

"Huh?" she asked.

"We landed. Come on." Reid said. JJ got up and rushed past him. She was a little anxious to get to the station so she can get an update as to what is happening.

"Slow down. You won't get there-"

"Please be quiet. I just want to hurry up and find who did this to Emily." JJ snapped at Garcia. She didn't mean to, but she was under so many emotions that it effected her mood.

They get to the station, and they start looking at security cameras. "Why don't you go to the hospital and visit Emily?" Hotch asked. She knew that he only asked her to do that so she wouldn't murder the unsub and go to prison, but she also could never pass up a moment to visit Emily. So she quickly agreed to it. On her way, she turned on the radio, and Perfect by Ed Sheeran came on. She couldn't bring herself to change it, so she started to tear up. Luckily only a few tears escaped, but she almost ran a red light because she couldn't see for half a second. When she got to the hospital, she turned off the car and ran inside.

"I'm here to see Emily Prentiss." she said in a rush.

"Are you family?" the receptionist asked.

"I'm her girlfriend. Please. I need to see her." JJ begged. The receptionist wasn't supposed to let anyone who knows someone in the ICU see them unless they were relatives, but seeing JJ so desperate made her bend the rules just a little bit.

"I'm not supposed to do this, but I think I can bend the rules a little. I will just say you're her wife. But she is in room 2A." the girl said. JJ was very thankful for her, and so she rushed to Emily's room. She knocked on the door, and de javu was setting in to when they first met.

The door opened and revealed a nurse. "You must be Emily's wife." she said and opened it up a little more so she could walk in.

"Thank you." JJ said. She walked in, and the sight of Emily made her cry, but she was so beautiful. This is the first time she actually gets to hold Emily since she went to prison. Of course, she had to be gentle, but she at least gets to hold her, so she's not complaining.

"JJ!" Emily said weakly. JJ smiled so widely and walked up to her bed. She grabbed her hand and started to tear up. She pulled her hand close to her and kissed it.

"I love you so much!" JJ said. Emily waited so long for her to hear those three little words again.

"I love you most." Emily replied. Both of them started crying while just looking into each others eyes deeply.

"Now, just an update for you honey bun, Emily will need to stay in the hospital for three days. After she gets discharged, I will need you to really watch her like a hawk. Make sure she doesn't lift anything too heavy or does any strenuous work. She will have a check up two weeks after her discharge, so you don't want to miss that. Any questions?" the nurse asked.

"Just one. How am I supposed to watch her after she gets discharged? Isn't she going back to the prison?" JJ asked.

"Didn't you hear? Since she isn't that Paget girl, she's being released." the nurse said. JJ looked at Emily and smiled so much. Neither of them could believe what they just heard. Honestly, JJ couldn't believe they didn't figure it out sooner.

"Can you believe it? You don't have to go back!" JJ said excitedly.

"I can't believe it! We finally get to be together." Emily stated. JJ gently gave her a hug, and she finally kissed her after waiting over a year. Both have never felt so great in their life.


Hey! So there's a happy ending for you guys! I hope you like it!

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