Chapter 11

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After court, JJ, the team, and Paget all went to get something to eat. Everyone was quiet especially JJ. "When do we go back?" Garcia asked Hotch.

"I was planning on going back tomorrow." he said.

"Since I am supposed to be here a little longer, I would like to stay." JJ said.

"You can have two weeks. But after that, you have to come back." Hotch told her. She nodded and excused herself from the table. She ran to the bathroom and started to cry again. Paget ran after her and knocked on the door.

"Occupied." JJ said.

"JJ, it's Paget. Open up." Paget said. JJ rolled her eyes and opened it.

"What do you want?" she asked coldly.

"I just wanted to talk." Paget said.

"And I'm supposed to trust you? In case you forgot, you kidnapped me, beat me, put chains on me, and almost raped me. Yeah. I'm totally going to trust you after all of that." she said.

"I know what I did. And I know that sorry isn't going to fix anything. But you could at least talk to me. I promise I won't do anything." Paget told her.

"How do you expect me to believe that? You have lost all of my trust, and I don't think that I will ever be able to trust you again." JJ asked.

"I don't expect you to. But I just want you to talk. Don't bottle it up." Paget told her.

"You aren't going to leave me alone until I talk are you?" JJ asked her. Paget shook her head. "Fine. Emily is special. I didn't want to leave her side when she was in the hospital five years ago. I don't know why. I just wanted to know everything about her. But then I had to go back to my job. I had almost forgotten about her completely until I had to go undercover. Then I got to know a side of her I hadn't really seen. Then everything happened so quickly. I fell in love with her. And now she is in prison for life and possibly death penalty all because of you. She is the sweetest person in the world, and yet you let her take your punishment for things you have done." JJ said with so much venom at the end.

"I know it's wrong of me, but she gave me an opportunity that I couldn't pass up. I could live my life with Ian and Declan. I haven't seen Declan before a week ago. I've missed out on so much of his life. I don't want to miss more. She wanted to do this. She wanted me to have a life that I wanted." Paget told her.

"You're doing this to live a life that you could have had if you hung out with a different crowd in high school?"

"Yes. It's stupid of me, I know. But I couldn't pass this up. If you got a chance to live a life with Emily, Henry, and Michael after having a life you were forced into, wouldn't you take it?" Paget asked and walked out of the bathroom. After giving it some thought, JJ realized that she was right now matter how much she didn't want to admit it.

The next day, JJ made her own breakfast before going to the prison to visit Emily. She was a little nervous since it would be the first time being without her FBI things. "Next." she heard. She put her purse on the table so it could be searching and stepped forward to be scanned for any metal. "Thank you." the officer said. She smiled and walked inside. She signed in and waited to be called in. She waited about 10 minutes before she was called. She stood up quickly and walked inside. When she sat down, she waited for Emily, which didn't take long. When Emily saw her, she instantly got a huge smile on her face. After Emily sat down, they each grabbed the phone and began talking.

"You visited." Emily said.

"Yeah. I needed to see you." JJ said.

"Well here I am. Orange isn't my color. But, I did end up getting a job in the kitchen cooking." Emily told her.

"Lucky them. I miss your cooking so much. I had to make my own breakfast, and it just wasn't as good as yours." JJ said.

"I make mine with a little love. Maybe a little extra for yours." Emily said. That made JJ smile.

"I'm going to get you out of here." JJ assured her.

"Don't. Let Paget live her life. That's all I want for her."

"And all I want for you as to be out of here and with me. That doesn't necessarily mean put Paget in here. It just means that I just want you out so we can cuddle and hug forever." JJ said.

"I won't ever be leaving here. I don't know if I will get the death sentence or not."

"Please don't mention that." JJ said, tearing up.

"I'm sorry princess. I-"

"One minute." the guard warned.

"I promise I will get you out of here." JJ promised.

"I love you Jayje." Emily said with tears.

"I love you most Emily." JJ said, tears starting to fall. They touched their hands through the glass and just stared at each other. The guard called time and took Emily away. JJ walked out and went home with a river falling out of her eyes.


Hey! This is a sucky chapter, but I wanted to update. I hope you guys like it anyway!

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