Chapter 9

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There is a slight mature scene near the end. If you don't want to ready it, then you can skip it!

"What do you want from me?!" JJ shouted.

"I want you to take a video for me saying that you're okay and send it to your team." Paget said.

"And why should I do that?" JJ asked.

"Well, I mean, in about three hours, you precious little boys are about to show up along with my son who you love so much." Paget told her with an evil smirk. JJ's heart sank when she said that.

"You're not going to do anything about this?" JJ asked Will.

"Why should I?" he asked.

"Because they're your kids!" she shouted.

"So? I never wanted them." he told her. JJ gave him a death glare before agreeing to make the video. Paget smiled and unlocked the chains to her hands. She handed her a phone that was all ready to go live to the team. JJ hit record and began talking.

"Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. I'm as green as trees can get. But I guess I'm just a blackbird that likes flying south. Anyways, just wanted to let you know I'm alright." She ended it and handed the phone to Paget.  She hoped that they got her hint as to where she was.

"Great. Will, go get her punishment ready. We will be needing it soon." Paget told him. He nodded and kissed her. JJ felt betrayed and angry, but most importantly, she felt stupid for not seeing signs as he was cheating on her. No wonder he was okay with her going undercover

Back with Emily and the others, she asked, "I'm assuming JJ told you guys that she told me it was her?"

"Yeah. She did it last night because she was freaking out that Hotch would be mad at her for telling you and that she almost kissed you." Derek said.

"Oh. You guys aren't mad?" she asked.

"No. We figured you would figure out it was her anyways. You two were too close for you not to realize it." Rossi said.

"I do have to ask. Are you really into blondes?" Derek asked her. Emily nodded her head.

"JJ made me question my sexuality, and the more time we spent together, the more i realized that I was falling in love with her. Then when she left, I told myself that I had to get over her, so I started dating girls who looked somewhat like her. But they were never as beautiful as her." Emily admitted.

"Aw! I knew I wasn't seeing things when I saw the way you looked at her." Garcia said. Just then, everyone's phone rang except Emily's of course.

"It's a video of JJ." Morgan said. After the video played and shut off, they tried deciphering what she was saying.

"What if it's the south side of the woods?" Emily asked. They all just looked at her. "Come on. Trees, blackbird, south. What else could it be?" she asked. They all thought it through and realized she was right. So Rossi called Hotch and told him. After he was done talking, everyone including Emily loaded into the SUV and went to Idyllwild.

As for JJ, she went to the punishing room. She doesn't know what she even did wrong. "Get on the bed you slut." Paget told her with a disgusted voice. "I've been watching you and my sister. You like her. Don't you?" she asked. JJ didn't say anything. "Answer me!" Paget shouted.

"I don't know!" JJ answered.

"Well, if you like her, then you have to like me because we look exactly the same. So, we are going to see. But first, you wonderful husband would like to do something first." Paget said. Will smirked and pulled her off the bed by her hair and threw her on the floor. He threw a couple of punch to her stomach before she started to fight back. She got off the floor and started to punch his face. He didn't like that too well, so he went after her face. She put up a good fight until he hit the side of her knee. Then she went down in pain.

"You're so weak." he told her.

"Which is how you're going to be after I fuck you so hard and good that you'll wish you had me instead of my sister." Paget said. JJ widened her eyes and started shaking her head. "I'm going to be your master, and you can only talk to me." she said. Paget picked her up and threw her onto the bed. She tied her hands together and tied them to the bed. She also tied her feet to the bed posts. "Now time for some fun." she said. She put a cloth around her mouth so no one could hear her, and she also put a blindfold on her. Paget ripped open her shirt and started to kiss down her stomach. JJ kept fidgeting to try and get her off, but Paget just held her down. Next Paget cut her jeans off, and JJ was mad because those were her favorite pair of jeans.

Paget started kissing up her leg until she reached the spot that JJ didn't want her. Paget rubbed her until she started getting wet. "Do you like when I do that baby?" she asked. It was so hard for JJ not to moan because she sounded exactly like Emily. Paget smirked because she could see her struggle. So, she moved aside her red lacy thong and started eating her out. JJ tried to kick, but it want working since her feet were tied to the posts. It felt good to her for a second before she remembered that it was Paget. Thankfully, there was a knock on the door that forced Paget to stop. JJ was mentally thanking that person.

"You better cover up buttercup. You have some visitors." Paget told her. She was released from her restraints and could finally see what was going on. After Paget cover her up, the door opened to reveal her kids and Declan.

"Mommy!" Henry and Michael shouted. They ran up to her and gave her a giant hug.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay." she said while crying.

"Mommy what happened to you?" Michael asked her.

"I just got into a little fight is all." she said.

"Did you win?" he asked. She looked at Will, and he nodded.

"Yeah baby. Mommy won." she said. She knew Will still had a little heart left.

"Alright guys. Mommy has to get to another room, so why don't we go play outside?" Will asked Henry and Michael. They both agreed, so that's where they went. Declan was disappointed that he didn't get to go outside.

"You get to follow us Declan." Paget said with an evil look. JJ knew that this wouldn't be good, so she realized that she has to try her hardest to fight for him.

When they got into the other room, Paget chained up JJ and raised her so her arms were above her head and toes were barely touching the floor. "God with a body like yours, anyone would be lucky. And your ass, oh my gosh. If I weren't straight, I would totally go for you." Paget said why touching her. JJ just looked down in shame. She looked at Declan, and he was facing the other direction thankfully. "Kiss me." Paget said.

"No." JJ told her firmly. Paget smiled and walked over to Declan. She smacked him and punched his face. "Okay!" JJ shouted before it got worse. Paget smiled and kissed her. But JJ wasn't kissing back.

"Kiss me back you stupid bitch!" Paget kissed her again, and she still wouldn't kiss her back. So Paget grabbed Declan and started beating him. JJ's momma bear started coming out, and she tried so hard to get out, but it wasn't working. She had to watch Declan get beat by his own mother.


Hey! Here is part 3/4! Just one more to go! I will start working on it but want be able to get it up until later on tonight. I hope you like it!

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