Chapter 23

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JJ didn't know whether she was more hurt or angry at the fact that she was with Katrina. "Mommy, look! It's Emily." Michael said, excited to see her.

"Yep. It sure is." JJ said, not taking her eyes off of her. The boys wanted to say 'hello', so they all walked up to her. "Fancy seeing you here. I thought you were getting coffee?" JJ asked with noticeable anger in her voice.

"I did. But we wanted to walk. What are you doing here?" Emily asked.

"The boys and I were taking a walk around town until we saw you." JJ responded.

"You know, you don't have to be so rude." Katrina chimed in.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" JJ asked, knowing damn well who she was.

"I'm her best friend Katrina. Or partner on crime. Whichever works." Katrina responded.

"Oh. So you're the one she kept talking about in letters. Well, it was nice to see you Emily." JJ said. Katrina blushed when JJ said that Emily talked about her, and JJ just wanted to gag. Before she could walk away, Katrina stopped her.

"Who even are you?"

"I'm her girlfriend." JJ said.

"Oh. Well Emily said that you were gorgeous, but I don't see much." Katrina said. JJ raised her eyebrows and gave her a look.

"Oh, and was that supposed to offend me? The only thing that offends me is your face. But, I guess you do have more brain cells than I originally thought. I know I'm not gorgeous. I'm not perfect. But, what I do know is that you have a little crush on MY Emily. I can tell by the way you're standing. You are standing close to her, your feet are mostly pointed to her, and you also blushed when I mentioned that she talked about you in her letters. Plus you also, basically, have heart eyes when you look at her." JJ said to her.

"I don't-" Katrina started.

"I am an FBI trained profiler. You can't fool me. Surely Emily told you that." JJ said.

"Well, yeah-" JJ cut her off again.

"Exactly. And, if you're going to be two-faced, then at least try and make one of them pretty. Hope you have a nice day!" JJ said and walked off with her kids.

"What the hell just happened?" Katrina asked.

"Two words. My girlfriend. That's what happened. Look, do you really like me?" Emily asked.

"How can I not? You are so perfect in every way. I just wish you would've chose me instead of her." Katrina said.

"Look. I love you but as a friend. You're like a sister to me. I don't want to ruin that. Plus it would be weird to date your sister wouldn't it?" Emily asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah." Katrina said, looking down.

"You'll find someone. I know it. Well, I should probably find JJ. It was nice to talk to you." Emily said and gave her a hug. Emily walked away and went to try and find JJ. It didn't really take that long since she knows where she likes to walk.

"JJ!" she shouted. JJ turned around and gave her a slight dirty look. Emily ran and caught up to her. "Look, I'm sorry about her. I will be honest, I had no idea she liked me." Emily said.

"The fact that you didn't stop her comments made me mad. And how could you not tell? It was completely obvious. She moved here, obviously not forgetting about you, and she invited you to go to Disney with her family. Yeah. Totally not noticeable." JJ said sarcastically.

"Technically that doesn't mean anything. And I am not a profiler. I can't tell when someone likes me." Emily said.

"Really? Garcia looked at your Facebook page, and the pictures you took at Disney were basically couple pictures, you two were laughing in a lot of them, and she was literally looking at you with heart eyes. Explain that." JJ said. Emily didn't answer. "That's what I thought." JJ said. The walk back to JJ's car was filled with JJ and the boys talking. Emily remained silent, scared that she would say the wrong thing. But she did also remember the pictures and thought about it. The more she thought, the more she realized that JJ was right.

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