Chapter 33

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Friday morning, the Jareau-Prentiss family were on their way to Ohio for a little weekend family vacation. The boys slept most of the trip while JJ and Emily took turns driving so the other could rest a little bit. After a long drive, they finally reach their destination. "I think Cedar Point is going to close here soon, so lets just go to hotel and get some rest in an actual bed." JJ said. She drove to the hotel and checked in. The hotel was pretty fancy, and of course Emily booked the most expensive room.

The next day, they woke up early enough so they had time to eat breakfast before heading to Cedar Point by opening time. When they got to the gates, Emily went to buy tickets while JJ stayed with the boys. "Hi. I need four tickets." Emily said.

"Okay. That will be $288." the lady said. Emily handed the lady her card and waited. "Here you are. Have a nice day!" she said and handed Emily her tickets and card.

"You too." Emily said with a smile and walked to her family. She handed everyone a ticket, and they went up to the gate and walked in.

"Alright boys. What do you recommend?" JJ asked.

"Dragster!" Henry shouted, so that's where they went first. As JJ watched the roller coaster, she got scared.

"I'm not so sure about this." JJ said.

"Oh come on mom. Don't be a scaredy cat." Henry said.

"I'm not. I just don't think I can ride this." JJ said.

"Will it help if I hold your hand?" Emily asked.

"I don't know." JJ said. When they got to the front of the line, JJ was shaking.

"It will be fine. I will be beside you." Emily said. Of course, Emily being the dare devil she is, she chose to sit in the front seat, and the boys in the second seat.

"I really freaking hate you right now." JJ said. A few seconds after she said that, the ride takes off. JJ is screaming as loud as she could while holding a death grip on Emily's hand. Emily didn't mind though.

After a day of riding almost every roller coaster and JJ almost losing her voice due to screaming so much, they went back to the hotel and relaxed. "Night moms." Henry said to Emily and JJ.

"Good night Henry." Emily said.

"Good night pumpkin." JJ said. Michael also said good night, and around three in the morning, JJ and Emily were still up.

"Hey babe?" Emily asked.


"I'm sorry for what I did." Emily said.

"I know. I love you so much." JJ told Emily and kissed her. "Hey, can you go get me some nuggets? And possibly some fries? And maybe a pie? And maybe a large frappé? Plus some cookies?" JJ asked Emily.

"Is someone hungry?" Emily asked.

"I don't know why. I'm just really hungry and really want nuggets. And all the other things I said." JJ answered.

"Okay. I will be back." Emily said, getting out of bed and getting her shoes on. "I will be back in like 20 minutes." Emily told JJ and left. As JJ impatiently waited for Emily to get back with her food, she heard Emily's phone go off. She picked it up and looked at the texts that Emily got.

"I can't wait to be with you again😏😉"


"I guess you fell asleep. Night baby girl😘 love you❤"

JJ couldn't believe what she was reading. She looked at previous messages, and they have been flirting with each other.

When Emily got back, she saw JJ on the bed who looked like she had been crying. "Babe, what's wrong?" Emily asked.

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