Chapter 19

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A week into them being at the new house, they were all adjusting to it well. The dogs especially love the pool because it's bigger, and the water is a little more clean. "Are we still on to go to Derek's house tonight?" Emily asked JJ.

"Yep. I just have to finish this cupcake and we can leave." JJ told her.

"You know, you really shouldn't be baking on your birthday." Emily said.

"I have to get it done. It's also his dog's birthday too you know." JJ told her.

"I know. But it's your day that you should relax and let us do everything for you. It's your pampering day, and you shouldn't be doing anything." Emily said.

"Well, it can start now. But I have to get these cupcakes to Derek's house too." JJ said while picking up the cupcake carrier.

"Oh no you don't. You go put your shoes on, and we will head out." Emily said taking the cupcakes away. JJ wasn't going to fight her, so she did as she was told. Once her shoes were on, the family headed out the door and walked over to Derek's house.

"Well there's the birthday girl." Derek said as they walked in. Henry and Michael took the dogs outside so the adults could have some time to talk without being interrupted by kids.

"Here is the cupcakes I promised." JJ said, laying the cupcake container on the counter.

"Please tell me that Emily made these and not you because it's your birthday, and you shouldn't be doing anything like that." Derek said.

"That's what I told her, but she still did it." Emily informed him.

"Anyways, Emily and I need you to take the girls this weekend while the boys are at their nanas house because we are going to take a little last minute trip." JJ told Derek.

"Why can't the girls just stay there and I check on them every so often?" he questioned.

"Well, we thought that since they don't like you as well, we thought you could use some grown up-girl bonding time." JJ explained.

"Why, so you two can have some grown up-girl bonding time?" he asked.

"No. I already explained to you why." JJ said, starting to blush a little bit.

"But, I mean, you're not wrong." Emily told him.

"Okay. How about we go outside and enjoy the sun?" JJ asked, quickly changing the subject. Emily and Derek chuckled at her before actually going outside. They saw the boys and dogs playing fetch.

"So would you like your present now?" Derek asked JJ.

"Sure." she said, and so he went inside and got it. A minute later, he returned with an envelope. "I swear if this is like last-"

"I promise it's not. Just open it." he told her. JJ wearily opened the envelope and took out the contents. When she saw what it was, she almost freaked.

"How did you get these? They sold out within two weeks." JJ said.

"I actually pre-ordered them." he informed her.

"What is it?" Emily asked, feeling lost.

"It's Redskins vs. Cowboys tickets. We have tickets for the 50 yard line in the middle of the first section." JJ said.

"So what I'm hearing is we get a football date?" Emily asked. JJ nodded her head. "Promise me you won't break up with me when my Cowboys win."

"I won't have to worry about that because my Redskins will beat your Cowboys by a landslide." JJ said.

"I wish you would-"

"Okay. Lets get some cupcakes." JJ said, interrupting Emily. Emily was just smirking. They called in the kids and dogs and went to the kitchen. JJ was kind of ignoring Emily because of what she was going to say. Emily felt bad, and so she went up to her.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I'll stop if you want me to." Emily said.

"It's not that. It's just, you tend to say things like that at the most inconvenient times." JJ said.

"I'm sorry." Emily said.

"I don't mind you saying things like that. I just don't like the timing of them." JJ said and walked away.


Hey guys! A short one, but it leads into the next chapter! I promise to update real soon!

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