Chapter 2

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The next morning, JJ realized that she fell asleep with Emily in her arms, so she quickly got up and went to the chair next to her bed. Luckily no nurses saw the two of them, well, JJ hoped none of the nurses saw the two of them. If any of them did, then she would be worried that they would tell Hotch, and then she could possibly lose her job.

"Agent Jareau, can I talk to you for a second?" a nurse asked JJ. She nodded her head and walked out into the hallway. "We took a blood test for Mrs. Prentiss. She has a blood condition called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. We can treat it, but she has to do a bone marrow transplant. She does have iron deficiency also, so it will be a little hard, but we can do it." JJ was stunned, and as she broke out of a trance, the nurse walked away. JJ went back into Emily's room and saw that she just woke up.

"Hey. Are you doing okay? Do you need anything?" JJ asked.

"No. Actually, can you hand me my water?" Emily asked. JJ handed her her water and even held it as she took a drink. "Thank you." Emily told her after she was done.

"No problem. Anything you need me to do, I will do." JJ told her and smiled.

"So tell me about how you and your husband met." Emily randomly said.

"Well, I met him in New Orleans while the BAU was on a case. He was a detective, and everyone on the team was pushing me to tell him how I felt since Garcia could keep her mouth shut. Thankfully when I told him how I felt, he felt the same way. So one thing lead to another, and here we are today. Married and have two kids." JJ explained.

"That's adorable! Well, he is one lucky guy. From the short amount of time that I have known you, I've learned how amazing of a person you are. You are literally the sweetest person that I know, and he got really lucky with you." Emily told JJ. All JJ did was smile because she didn't know what to say. The only other person who has said something along the lines of that was Will, and she didn't believe him because she felt like he had to say it since he was her husband. But hearing it from someone she just met, she kind of believes it. Not totally, but more than she did.

"Tell me, why did you decide to talk to me but not any of the nurses?" JJ asked her, very curious to know the answer.

"I got very tired of being asked the same things, so I decided to just tell you. I felt I could trust you, so it made it a little easier to talk to you. But the others were a little more forceful when they asked me questions. Your voice was gentle and kind of caring, so it honestly made me want to tell you because you didn't have roughness or anger in your tone." Emily answered. JJ nodded her head and remembered the information the nurse told her.

"Hey I need to tell you something. You may not take it well, so I'm just warning you now. The nurse told me that you have a blood condition called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. With you losing so much blood, you also have iron deficiency. They can treat your blood condition by a bone marrow transplant, but with having iron deficiency, it will make it a little hard." JJ told her. Emily just sat there with blank expression, not knowing how to react to the new information. "I'm so sorry, Emily." JJ said.

"Would it be weird if I asked you if you could hug me?" Emily asked. JJ shook her head and gave Emily a hug. She could feel Emily's hot breath on her neck, but she could also feel hot tears start to land on her shoulder.

"Shh. Hey it's going to be okay." JJ said. She started to rub her back a little bit, but even then, that wasn't enough. "Would you feel better if I laid next to you?" she asked. Emily nodded her head, and so that's what JJ did. Eventually the two fell asleep.


This chapter is so bad oh my gosh. But I hope you like it anyways! Comment what you think!

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