Chapter 17

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The next day, JJ and Emily were in pure bliss because they can finally hold hands without glass separating them. "I can't believe you actually get to go home when you get discharged." JJ said again.

"I know. I just don't know what I would do without you once you leave again to go back to work." Emily said.

"Well what if you moved in with me?" JJ asked so nonchalantly. Emily just looked at her. "I'm serious. My house may not be as big and extravegant as yours, but at least we could be together. It was just a thought."

"What would I do with my house? I can't just leave it. My parents passed it down to me." Emily told her.

"You can still keep it. We can go there for vacation. Plus, Ian and Declan can still live there." she assured her.

"Well, I guess I could, but what if we have a house built somewhere in the country but not too far from the city?" Emily asked.

"And how would we pay for that? Plus my house is big enough to fit one more person."

"I have my ways. But JJ, that is the house that you had with Will. I can tell you haven't been getting enough sleep because you never used to have bags under your eyes. You have slight dark circles, and your hair isn't as shiny as it normally is. You can't tell me you want to stay there. I know you stay up later wondering if he will come back for you even though he is in prison. You can't keep doing this to yourself. It's not healthy for you. You need a good change." Emily told her.

JJ waited a few seconds to answer because she was thinking about what Emily had said. "I guess you're right."

"Okay. So what kind of house do you want? Something like my parents' house?" Emily asked her.

"Somewhat, but maybe not as big because it will just be you, me, Henry, and Michael." Emily got her phone and looked at house designs and found one she thought JJ would like.

"What about this one?" she asked and showed her the picture.

"I mean I guess, but we would need a pool with more protection than that

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"I mean I guess, but we would need a pool with more protection than that." JJ told her. Emily smiled and nodded. She quickly contacted her friend and told her to start building it ASAP in the country outside of D.C. Of course she told her nicely. "How long will it be?"

"It should be about 7 months. The person I have working on it works everyday on a house until it is completed." Emily told her.

Three days later Emily was released from the hospital, and so her and JJ went home. "So I have a little surprise for you. This my gift to you because I thought you may need a companion while I'm away." JJ said before opening the door. Once she does, they walk into the living room, and they see a little puppy sitting by the couch looking like it just woke up.

 Once she does, they walk into the living room, and they see a little puppy sitting by the couch looking like it just woke up

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"Oh my gosh JJ! She's so cute! Where did you get her?" Emily asked as she walked up to the dog.

"I got her from the humane society. I also got a dog for the boys because they need something other than each other all the time. But I figured I would let you name her." JJ said. Emily looked at the dog she was petting and quickly came up with a name.

"Mirabella." she said. JJ nodded and smiled. "What kind of dog did you get for the boys?" Emily asked, so JJ showed her a picture.

 "What kind of dog did you get for the boys?" Emily asked, so JJ showed her a picture

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They named her Athena. But her I got from Shemar's mom, so she was free." JJ said. Emily couldn't stop petting Mirabella, so JJ smiled and got a tennis ball for Emily to throw.

"Thanks." she said and threw it. Mirabella ran and got it and came back. But instead of keeping it and playing with it, she climbed in Emily's lap and laid down.

"Well she sure warmed up to you pretty fast." JJ said.

"Animals just love me." Emily replied.

"They're not the only ones who love you." JJ replied before giving Emily a kiss.


Hey guys! Just a short filler chapter. I hope you like it!

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