Chapter 5

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"Jayje?" Emily said, looking up at JJ with tears in her eyes. JJ didn't know what to say. She knew she would've figure it out soon, but not this soon.

"I- I- uh- we- hh. Hey Emily." she said with a little smile.

"Why are you here? Is this some sort of joke right now?" Emily asked her.

"I'm here because I'm supposed to be hunting you. You are Russia's most wanted, and since you are into blonde girls, they sent me. They wanted me to get close to me, and then we would have to arrest you once you do. I'm so sorry that we had to meet like this. I didn't even know it was you until you told me your name. They didn't give me a name except Ian's." JJ explained.

"Why am I being hunted? Why am I Russia's most wanted? I've never even been to Russia! I've never even been out of the United States. What's going on?" Emily asked.

"You've never been to Russia? And you are on their most wanted list because of all the murders you did. Emily, you killed 23 adults, 3 children, and 2 families. Once you are arrested, you are going to jail for life." JJ explained.

"That's absurd! How can I murder so many in a country I've never been to?" Emily asked.

"Do you have a passport?" JJ asked. Emily shook her head 'no'. "Do you mind if I search just to make sure?"

"Go ahead." Emily said. JJ went to Emily's room first, and as she was about done searching, she found a booklet that had the word 'Passport' on it. JJ held it up to Emily, and her eyes widened. "What the heck is that?" she asked.

"Your passport." JJ answered.

"No. You don't understand! I've never owned a passport in my life! Please! You have to believe me!" Emily pleaded.

"It's hard to believe that when your picture is on the first page." JJ said. Emily took it and looked at the picture.

"Paget." she whispered. JJ looked at her with a confused look. "Paget. She's my twin sister. We got along so great when we were younger until she went to a different high school than me. She changed so much after that. She turned into a violent person. I blame the kids she hung out with. They were bad news, and my family tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen. We were just chopped liver to her. We were so close as kids. Then she had to go to that stupid school. Sometimes I wonder how things would be if she would've just stayed at our old high school." Emily explained. JJ knew that she had a sister, but twin? "If you look closely, you can see the top of a tattoo. I don't have any tattoos on my neck." Emily said. JJ looked closely at the picture and at Emily's neck and realized that she was right.

"I will talk to Hotch, and I will see if Garcia can find anything on your sister." JJ told her. "You mentioned that your sister hung out with bad kids. What are their names?"

"Oh. Um, Chloe Sadowski, Chad Saunders, Sven Brigham, and Ian Doyle." Emily informed her. JJ couldn't believe it.

"Ian? He's such a nice guy. And he has a kid." JJ said aloud.

"Yep. He has changed since high school though. He used to be a lot like my sister, but then he got a reality check when he got in trouble with drugs. Then Paget had his kid, and that's when he really changed. He's always been a really sweet guy. He just got put in with the wrong crowd." Emily said.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Paget is Declan's mom?" JJ asked.

"Yep. She didn't want him when he was born, so she left Ian for some other guy and changed her last name to Brewster. Ian didn't want me to raise him because I look too much like his real mom, so I found a nanny for him, and so that's where he stays. He visits occasionally, but it isn't often." Emily said.

"So how do you know all of this?" JJ asked.

"Ian contacted me first, explaining what had happened. I don't know how he got my number or anything. He never really told me. But that's how I know all of it." Emily said. JJ nodded in understandment and then contacted Hotch.

"I don't think that she is our culprit. She has a twin sister, Paget Brewster, who looks exactly like her. She somehow put a passport in her room with a picture of her. Paget has a tattoo on her neck, and Emily doesn't. In the picture on the passport, you can see the top of the tattoo, so it is Paget. Emily has never even left the country." JJ explained to Hotch.

"Has her sister visited her?" he asked.

"I don't know. Let me ask her." JJ said, and so she did.

"She visited about a week and a half ago. She was looking for Ian, and that was when he was visiting." Emily told her.

"Did she come into the house and go near you room?" JJ asked.

"Yeah. Ian had just put Declan to sleep because he had just gotten back from a field trip, and he always takes a nap in my bed." Emily answered.

"Did you hear that?" JJ asked Hotch.

"Loud and clear. I will have Garcia look at security footage and see if she can find when that happened." Hotch said.

"How did you know that she has security cameras?" JJ asked.

"If you had a house that big, wouldn't you have security cameras?" he asked then hung up. He has a point she thought.

JJ put her phone in her pocket told Emily what was happening. Emily hoped that Garcia could find when Paget came over because if she couldn't, then she was up a creek.


Hey! This was exactly 1000 words. How did I manage that? Anyways, I hope you like this!

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