Chapter 14

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Dear my Emily<3,

I'm happy you made friends! It makes me feel a little better knowing you're not miserable there. I cried when I read about Katrina. I just want to give her a hug.

I know you don't want me to be mad at Paget, but I just can't bring myself to not be mad. I know it was your idea, but she shouldn't have let you do it. I understand that you wanted her to live the life she wanted, but what about us? What about everything we have been through? It makes me feel like that that never mattered to you. You were just willing to throw it away. I'm sorry if I sound really selfish, but I'm just so loaded with questions and emotions.

Work hasn't really been the greatest for me. The day after I got back we had a case. Women your age were being lit on fire for awhile before being extinguished. After they were extinguished, the unsub would cut off skin from their face and arms. After he was done with them, he would leave them in the wide open space of the cemetery. We couldn't figure out why he was doing that, but then, as always, Garcia found something. In 1999, there was an eight year old boy whose house was caught on fire. His family got out all except his mom. But she came running out while on fire. She was extinguished soon after because the fire department showed up. She was in critical condition at that point, and soon after she went to the hospital, she passed away. She was buried at the same cemetery that the unsub left the bodies. The unsub basically watched his mother die, and then he turns into this.

So we found out where he was and did our normal thing except he was in the middle of lighting someone on fire. As we walked in, he held the girl hostage while holding a lighted up to her. Thankfully I talked him down, and he gave up. It just reminded me of the dreams I've been having about you, except you die in them.

Gosh I miss you more and more each day, and it's killing me. I haven't really been the same since I left you, and I think everyone is starting to see it. I never needed someone more in my life than I need you. Besides Henry and Michael of course. But with the short amount of time we were together, I became addicted to you and your hugs. I know we only kissed once, but I need to kiss you again. I am well aware that that probably won't happen, but I can always dream.

Once again, I know this is short, but these aren't my kind if things. But I decided to do it just for you. But I might be visiting you soon though! I talked to Hotch, and he agreed to let me take a few days off. But I have it wait for a month before I can do that. I can't wait though! I would wait an eternity if it means I get to see you again. I love you so much E!


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