Chapter 6

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"I found her when she arrives, but footage is cut off from there." Garcia informed Hotch.

"Okay. Can you zoom in on her and see if you can see any sign of a passport?" Hotch asked. Garcia nodded and did as asked.

"There is nothing on her person except a purse. It's closed, so I can't see inside of it." Garcia said.

"Alright. Can you go to each camera and see if you can find where the footage was cut off from?" Garcia nodded and found the person. She zoomed in, and though the person was wearing a hood, she could still see enough of their face to where she could run facial recognition. After a few minutes, the person's face was identified.

"No." is all Garcia said with a surprised tone. She got up and ran out of her office in search of Hotch. When she finally found him, she showed him who the identity match was.

"You're sure? There has to be some mistake." he said.

"I will try again. But if it comes back the same result, then it is him." Garcia said.

"Go try again. If it comes back up as him, then let me know." Hotch told Garcia. She nodded and went back to her office. She ran the facial recognition again, and it came back the same result. William LaMontagne Jr. She informed Hotch that it was the same result, so he went into his office and called JJ.

"This is SSA Jareau." she answered.

"JJ, I need you to go to a different room, and make sure you are alone." Hotch said. JJ was confused, but did as she was told.

"I'm alone. What's going on? Did you find her?" JJ asked.

"We did, but there's something else." he said. There was a moment of silence before JJ spoke.

"What? What else is there?" she asked in anticipation.

"There was someone else with Paget who cut off security footage before she even walked into the house. Garcia ran a facial recognition, and when the results came back, she re-ran the facial recognition. It came back with the same result. JJ, Will is working with Paget." Hotch explained. JJ just stood there, taking in what she has just been told.

"No. He's back at home with the boys." JJ said.

"He may be now, but he wasn't a week and a half ago." he said.

"I was at home with him."

"This was when we had a case that we stayed an extra day for." he informed her. JJ just hung up. No goodbye or anything. She went ahead and called Will.

"Hey babe!" he answered enthusiastically.

"Hey! How are you?" she asked.

"I'm good. How is being undercover?" he asked.

"It's good. I saw a kid that reminded me of Henry and made me miss home." she answered.

"Well why don't I put him in the phone for ya." he said. There was a moment of silence before Henry got on the phone.

"Hi mommy!" he said. JJ missed him so much that she started tearing up at the sound of his voice.

"Hey baby! How was school today?" she asked.

"Good. I made a new friend!"

"That great sweetie! What's their name?"

"Her name is Tatiana. She moved here from Russia." he said. That made JJ's stomach drop.

"Really? What's her parents name?"

"I don't know. I think she said her mom's name was Chloe or something like that. Her father left when he found out that her mom was pregnant." JJ'S stomach dropped even more because she remembers Paget hanging out with a Chloe in high school.

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