Chapter 3

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"Are you ready Emily?" the nurse asked. Emily nodded her head, looking at JJ because she was a nervous wreck.

"You will be fine. The best doctor in town will be doing your surgery. I will be right here when you get back and wake up." JJ reassured her. The nurse rolled Emily out of the room and to the OR.

Emily decided to get the bone marrow transplant. She wasn't going to, but JJ convinced her to get it.

After Emily was taken to the Operation Room, JJ called Garcia to see if they found the unsub. "Did Emily already go for surgery?" Garcia asked.

"Yeah. She's really nervous about it." JJ told her.

"I would be too if I had her doctor. Please get her out of there." Garcia said. JJ questioned her as to what she means. "Her doctor, Dr. Nikita Summers, is the unsub. She went to high school with Emily, and she went to school for anatomy. She later went to school to become a doctor. When she got her first job at a hospital, she was fired soon after because she kept doing experiments on patients. Please. You need to get Emily out of there." Garcia explained. JJ was quick to hang up and ran to the double doors that lead to the OR.

"I'm sorry, but you can't go back there." a nurse said.

"You don't understand, I-"

"You can't go back-"

"Someone is going to die if I do not go back there! I'm with the FBI, and the unsub is the doctor who is performing a bone marrow transplant on our next victim. If you do not let me back there to stop it, then that would be obstruction of justice, and you could go to jail for that. Now do you really want that?" JJ said in a stern voice. The nurse shook her head. "Good. Now let me go back there."

"You will have to put on a cap and a surgical gown." the nurse said. JJ quickly did that and went back. When she got into the room, she saw Dr. Summers starting to put the bone marrow in.

"Hello. Who are you?" Dr. Summers asked.

"I'm Jennifer. I am a new surgical nurse here. I am supposed to help you." JJ said.

"Okay. Well after I am done getting this in, you can help me." About an hour later, Dr. Summers gets done with the transplant, and she starts asking JJ for things.

"What exactly are you doing?" JJ asked.

"I am just checking how other organs are doing. I do it a few of my patients because sometimes a couple organs are bad." she answered.

"Isn't that illegal?" JJ asked as if she didn't know.

"Yeah, but I haven't gotten caught yet." she said, and that put JJ over the edge.

"Well you just did. Back away from Emily and put your hands up. FBI." JJ said, pulling out her gun and pointing it to her. Dr. Summers looked at her and did as she was told. "Good. Now. I want you to close up Emily and send her into recovery." That is exactly what Nikita did, but once Emily was out, Nikita started to fight JJ. Nikita was good at fighting, but she was no match for JJ. She put Dr. Summers in cuffs and said,

"You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future." JJ escorted her out of the hospital and to the police car.

"Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding dear." Emily's nurse said.

"I'm fine really. It's just a little blood." JJ responded.

"Actually it's a lot. Lets get you inside, and I will get this taken care of." Before JJ could protest, the nurse dragged her inside and took her to Emily's room. There, she stopped JJ's nose from bleeding and gave her a tampon just in case it started again.

As JJ was waiting for Emily to wake up, Hotch walked through the door. "It's time to go." he said.

"I can't leave. I made her a promise that I would be here when she wakes up, and I can't break that promise." JJ said.

"You know that I can't let you stay."

"I know, but I just can't break this promise. Hotch, pretty much everyone in her life has left her in some way. Her dad left before she was even born because he didn't want her, her mom left from dying of a heart attack, all of her siblings live in different states, and you know how her husband left. I can't be another person that leaves and breaks a promise. I can't be one of those people in her life." JJ explained. Hotch had a thoughtful look before letting her stay. JJ was relieved because she thought that he still wouldn't let her stay.

After Hotch left, she sat in the chair next to Emily's bed and waited for her to wake up. She waited and waited and waited until a few hours later, she finally woke up. "Hey sleeping beauty! How do you feel?" JJ asked.

"Weak." Emily said, well, weakly. JJ handed her water that the nurse had left for her and let her take a big drink before putting it back on the table.

"Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" JJ asked.

"Not really. I honestly just want to watch Ghost Adventures." she said. JJ turned on the TV and found Ghost Adventures on demand. After awhile, JJ started getting worried about Emily because she wasn't eating or drinking much, and when she did, she would throw it back up. Doctors figured that it was just her being stressed out and sickened over what had happened and what she saw. JJ hoped that that is what it is because if it isn't, then she definitely won't be leaving until she knows exactly what us going on with her.

In the middle of the night, Emily went to the bathroom, with JJ's help of course, and as she was in the middle of texting Will, she heard, "Jennifer!"

JJ immediately dropped her phone and ran to the bathroom. She opened the door and rushed to Emily's side. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I just threw up blood." Emily said, starting to freak out even more. JJ called in the nurse, and they rushed Emily out to take some tests. After half an hour, they found that there was some internal bleeding in her stomach, so they sent her back to surgery to have it fixed. As Emily was in surgery, JJ was texting Will slightly freaking out. Will didn't understand why she was so attached to Emily, and JJ didn't know why either.


Hey! This took me a little longer to write because I didn't know how to end it. I still don't like the ending. But I hope you like it!

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