Chapter 29

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The next week, JJ and Emily were packing to go on their honeymoon. They were taking a two week honeymoon. One week in Italy, Ireland, and Spain. The last week in London and Paris. "Do you have to go?" Henry asked.

"Yes, pumpkin. Don't worry. Uncle Derek will take good care of you guys along with the team. You have dogs that are very protective of you guys, and you know that the team will let nothing happen to you boys." JJ told him.

"I know. I'm just going to miss you guys." he told her.

"I know. We will miss you too." JJ said. Her and Emily gave him a giant hug.

"Would you like to escort us to the car?" Emily asked. He nodded his head and took a bag from each of them. He took them down to the car, which he found out was a limo.

"This is so cool!" he said after he put the bags in the trunk. He opened the door and climbed in, seeing what was inside. After a few minutes of him sitting in the limo, he got out.

"Okay pumpkin. We have to go. Bye. I will miss you." JJ said, giving Henry a hug.

"I will miss you too." he said, hugging her back. They hugged for a few minutes before he said goodbye to Emily.

"Goodbye mommy!" Michael said, running up to JJ and giving her a giant hug.

"Goodbye baby." she said. He said goodbye to Emily as well, and afterwards they got into the limo, and they were off.

"JJ, are you okay?" Emily asked, looking at her wife.

"Yeah. I'm just going to miss them. I've never been away from them for more than a week. I've also never been out of the states before without them." JJ said while wiping away her tears.

"I know you are going to miss them. I will too. But there is a thing called Facetiming. We could do that everyday." Emily told her.

"I know. But I am happy to be spending this time with you." JJ said. Emily smiled and gave her a kiss.

After the flight to Italy, Emily and JJ decided to go to their hotel room and get everything settled before going out to explore. "Gosh it's so beautiful here!" JJ said.

"I know! I wonder if Rossi will visit soon." Emily said.

"Probably. He hasn't seen his family in a long time." JJ said.

"Lets go to the clothing shop over there!" Emily said, pointing to a little shop. JJ laughed at her cuteness and followed her over to the shop. Emily got a new top that she absolutely loved, and she also got a new pair of sunglasses.

After a few days of exploring Italy, they went down to Ireland and explored there. They absolutely fell in love with the country and were sad to leave, but they were excited to go to Spain. They both loved Spanish food, and that's mostly what they got. They did both buy a new pair of pants.

When they got to London, they wanted to go to a club, but they forgot to pack dresses and shoes for that. So, they went to a store that has dresses for that occasion. "What do you think about this one?" JJ asked, coming out of the fitting room.

"Not a chance." Emily said honestly. A few minutes later, JJ came out again with an orange dress on.

"This one?" she asked.

"Definitely no." Emily said. It kept on going like that for five dresses before JJ came out with a tight black dress on.

 It kept on going like that for five dresses before JJ came out with a tight black dress on

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