Chapter 21

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"I'm sorry? I thought I just heard you say that you're pregnant." Emily said. JJ looked down, not making eye contact with Emily. "My god, you're serious?! When the hell did this happen?"

"Remember a couple months ago when I went out for drinks with Garcia, Derek, and Spencer?" JJ asked.

"So it's one of theirs." Emily stated.

"Um, I actually don't know." JJ said.

"Oh my gosh!" Emily said, unable to believe what she just heard. She walked away with tears in her eyes threatening to fall.

"Emily, wait!" she heard JJ shout. JJ chased after her before finally reaching her. "Emily! Please-"

"Please what? Please let you explain? I don't think I need to. You cheated on me. What else is there to explain? That you were drunk? I thought you loved me, JJ? Was I not good enough for you?" Emily asked.

"You are perfect for me. You're actually too good for me. It was just a drunken mistake. I don't even remember it happening, but after I missed and was feeling nauseous everyday, I knew something was up. I went to the doctor, and she told me how far along I was. Everything matched up. You have no idea how sorry I am. I wish I could go back to that night and tell myself to just dance and not drink. I know you probably can't forgive me, but can you at least accept my apology?" JJ asked.

"Let me think about it." Emily said. Emily walked to her car with JJ behind her. On the way back, it was nothing but awkward silence. When the two walked in, Garcia was sitting on the couch, and when she saw them, she could tell that something was off.

"I'm actually going to go to a friends house for tonight." Emily said. JJ looked at her with sad eyes, but what else could she expect?

Emily walked up to their room and got around her things. JJ followed her and just watched her because it could be the last time she saw Emily for awhile. "Where are you going?" JJ asked.

"Some place to think and that's not here." Emily replied. She closed her suitcase and headed out the door. Before she could get to the front door, JJ stopped her.

"Emily, wait. Where does this leave us?"

"I'll let you figure that out." Emily told her and walked to her car. JJ walked back inside and started to break down crying.

"JJ what's wrong?" Garcia asked, sitting next to her. JJ couldn't speak though because she was crying so much. So all Garcia could do was try to calm her down enough to where she could talk. It took awhile, but she finally calmed down. "Now what's wrong?" Garcia asked again.

"I screwed up big time!" JJ cried out. Garcia was confused, so she urged JJ to elaborate more. "When we went to get drinks with Reid and Morgan a couple months ago, I got so drunk that I slept with a guy, and now I'm pregnant. I don't remember that because I drank so much. I don't know who it was, and now I think Emily broke up with me or at least is taking a break from me." JJ explained. Garcia knew who she was talking about, but she didn't know if she should tell her now or wait until later.

"I just don't know how I could be so stupid! They say that drunken words or actions are sober thoughts right?" JJ continued. Garcia nodded her head. "You look like you want to say something."

"No. I have nothing to say." Garcia said.

"Really? Because the way your eyes are open, how you are breathing, and how you are trying to avoid eye contact with me tells me differently." JJ said.

"I hate you being a profiler sometimes." Garcia told her. "I just don't know if I should tell you this or not."

"Just do it. What else do I have to lose, besides my sanity?" JJ asked.

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