Chapter 26

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*Warning: near the end of the chapter reveals a tiny bit of season 3 of The Flash.*

Another two days had gone by, and they still had nothing. But that all changed when there was call about seeing Emily at a nearby forest. The team rushed to the forest along with SWAT, local police, and the K-9 unit. They searched all day and couldn't find her. They brought in the person who called and started to question. "Luke? Hi. I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau." JJ said to the caller. She shook hands with him and sat in front of him. "So, you said that you saw her being dragged?"

"Yeah. I was just taking a walk with my dog when I heard a scream. So, my dog and I ran to the scream and saw a girl being dragged by her hair. It looked like they were headed to the little pond that's in the forest. Or they could have been headed to a car. I don't know. But I looked at the girl closely, and she looked exactly like the missing girl on the Amber Alert except she had shorter hair." Luke answered.

"Did you get a good look at the person dragging her?" JJ asked.

"Not really. He was tall, had dark clothing on, and there was this tattoo on his neck. I think he may have had dark hair. He was wearing a hat, so I didn't get a good look." he answered.

"You mentioned a pond? We searched the entire forest and didn't see one." JJ said.

"That's because a part of the forest is private. There's a fence that blocks it, so you wouldn't be able to get to it unless you climb it. If that's where he took the girl, then that's most likely what he did." Luke said. He answered a few more questions before being done. "You're her wife aren't you?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" JJ asked.

"You seemed more concerned than the others that I have seen. You look like you could use some sleep because of not sleeping for long periods of time. So, I figured you're either a really good friend of hers, or you're her wife. You kept playing with your ring as if it comforts you whenever you talk about her. So, I figured that your colleagues are really good friends of hers, and you are her significant other." he said.

"Wow. Um, I am her significant other. We get married in two weeks. And yes, I do play with my ring because it does calm me down or at least keeps me a little sane." JJ answered. She walks out, baffled that he was able to profile her.

"Anything?" Rossi asked.

"We need to go back into the forest. There's a private property that we need to search." JJ said and walked away. She was a little angry that they didn't even think to check the private property.

"JJ! Wait!" she heard.

"What?" she asked a little rudely before she even saw who it was.

"I want to help find her." Luke said.

"Okay. Lets go." she said and went out to the black SUV. Reid and Morgan also rode with her and Luke.

"Not to be rude, but why are you here?" Reid asked.

"I want to help find this girl. I have a feeling that this person is the same person who killed my sister." Luke said.

"So he's killed before?" JJ asked.

"Yeah. She was a lot like your girl.-"

"Emily. Her name is Emily." JJ said.

"She's a lot like Emily. She had a girlfriend, and she was really happy. She even kind of looked like her." Luke said.

"Did she ever have a boyfriend?" Reid asked.

"Yeah. He was a bad person." Luke said.

"What was his name?" Morgan asked.

"Jenson Marshall."

"Hey baby girl, I need you to look up everything g you can about a Jenson Marshall." Morgan said to Garcia.

"Wait a minute. I've heard that name before." JJ said.

"Where?" Reid asked.

"I think he dated Emily." JJ said.

"Guys, I think I know why he is doing this. In The Flash, Savitar takes away the speed of other speedsters. If you really think about it, Jenson is taking away his exes because he can't have them. Without the suit, Savitar would diminish into nothing. So I think that without his exes, he would feel like he would be nothing." Reid said.

"In a weird way, I actually understand what he is saying." Luke said.

"Me too. What about Gypsy?" Morgan asked.

"I'm not sure." Reid said. When they get to the forest, JJ hurried to get out of the car and ran into it. Luke, Morgan, and Reid followed behind her until they reached the fence.

"It's not am electric fence is it?" JJ asked.

"No. I don't believe so." Luke answered.

"Well, we'll find out." JJ said and put her hand on it. When she didn't get electrocuted, she climbed over it and waited for the others. "Which way is the pond?" she asked.

"Follow me." Luke said. They ran all the way until they reach the pond. They saw two people throw a body in the pond before they took off running. Morgan and Luke sprinted towards them while JJ and Reid stayed behind to help the body. JJ dove into the water and brought the body up.

"Reid, take her." JJ said. He took the arms and pulled the body up. He laid the girl down and then helped JJ up.

"Oh my gosh. Emily! What did they do to you?" JJ asked, starting to cry. Emily was just in her bra and underwear. She had bruises all over her, there was dried up blood, her hair was a mess, her hands and feet were tied up, she had a brick tied to her, and she just looked awful in general.

"Medic, we need a medic." Reid said into the walkie talkie. JJ really didn't know what to do. She was too busy crying and holding her in her arms. After a minute, she finally decides to cut the rope off her hands and feet and take the brick off of her. She checked for a pulse, and there was one, but it was a weak pulse.

"Come on Emily. Stay with me." JJ whispered into her ear. Emily opened her eyes a little bit before closing them. "That's it. Keep opening your eyes." Emily did as she said, but she was so tired. Soon, though, the medics arrived. They put her on the board and strapped her in before taking off. Not too long after they left, Morgan and Luke come back with the unsubs.

"So this is Jenson, and this is-"

"Katrina. I knew I couldn't trust you." JJ said, cutting off Luke.

"Wait. You know her?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. She was a "friend" of Emily's." JJ responded.

"You stole her away from me. She was supposed to be mine. But no. She just had to choose you. The spoiled, little FBI agent." Katrina said.

"At least she didn't choose the spoiled, psychotic gold digger who thinks she's perfect and Gods gift to the world." JJ said. Morgan and Luke started walking away, but JJ stopped them to say one more thing. "Katrina, I think you should wear your mask everyday. It's the only thing that makes you pretty."

After JJ said that, they took Jenson and Katrina to the cars, and JJ wanted to visit Emily as soon as she could. So, once everyone was in the car, she quickly, but legally, sped to the hospital.


Hey! This is a bad way to end, but here is 2/2! I hope you like it!

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