Chapter 35

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Paget was waiting impatiently for her sister to be out of diagnosis of what happened as she has been at the hospital for about and hour. "Family of Emily Prentiss?" Paget heard. She stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"What's wrong with her?" Paget asked.

"Follow me." he said. He lead her to a private room so that way no one heard what was wrong. After he closed the door, Paget sat down on the chair. "Your sister has a heart condition called cardiomyopathy. Basically it's a heart disease that the chambers become enlarged, and it makes it harder for blood to be pumped through the body. Good news, it can be fixed. Bad news, we have to give her a new heart." the doctor said.

"How long will it take to get a heart?" Paget asked.

"It depends. She will be put on a waiting list, and it could take up to 10 years. Problem is, we don't have 10 years. So I can call around to see if I can get one for her, but I can't guarantee anything." he said. She nodded, and they left the private room. He told her what room Emily was in and went back to work. Paget got into the elevator and went to the floor Emily was on. When she walked in, Emily was up.

"Hey. How are you doing?" Paget asked.

"I mean, other thanthe fact that I am dying, I'm doing great." Emily said.

"Well, the doctor said that you need a new heart. He said that it could take up to 10 years for you to get one, but he is going to call around and see if he can get you one because you don't have that long." Paget told her.

"Great. Well, with my luck, he won't find one, and I die a lonely girl." Emily said.

"Don't be a pessimist. You have to have positive thoughts." Paget said.

"Kind of hard when I don't have very great luck." Emily said. They didn't really talk after that. Not even when Emily could go home. They broke the news to Ian and Declan, and of course Declan was devastated because she was his favorite, and only, aunt he had.

One month. One month has gone by, and Emily has yet to hear from the doctor. She started losing her hope, but that all changed when she got the call that she has been waiting for. "Hello?" Emily answered the phone.

"Hello. I need to speak with Emily Prentiss." she heard on the other line.

"This is she." Emily said.

"Hi. This is Dr. Lionsdale from the Basilica Cardiology Center, and I am calling you to inform you that I was able to get a heart for you. I need to set up a date for the surgery." he said.

"Wait, you seriously found a heart for me?" Emily asked.

"Yes. An anonymous person called me and is donating it." he told her.

"This is great! Um, well how about in two weeks? September 13?" Emily asked.

"Works for me. Is the morning okay for you?" he asked.

"That is fine." Emily responded.

"Great. See you then."

"Yep. See you then." Emily said and hung up the phone. "Paget!" Emily shouted.

"What?!" Paget shouted back.

"They found a heart!" Emily shouted.

"That's great news!" Paget shouted.

Two weeks later, on Friday September 13, is when Emily's life changed. She didn't know who donated their heart to her, but she was so thankful for them. Without them, she would probably end up dead. After her surgery, she was put into recovery, and she didn't wake up for another 10 minutes. "Hey girl! How are you feeling?" Paget asked. Emily pointed to her water, so Paget handed it to her so she could take a drink.

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